Sunday, June 18, 2023

What year is this??

So, I'm just speechless, LOL. This is the email I sent DAN (he's really living up to his name!) on Thursday when we confirmed our asphalt sealing date/time:

We are having our section of XXX Lane, along with our driveway, resealed on Friday, June 23rd. They expect to start around noon and the street will be closed to use for 24 hours, until Saturday afternoon, June 24.
This is the email reply I got back from him this morning:
Appreciate you letting me know.  However, in the future, please have (my husbands name) interact with me as I will not take requests from the Matriarch of the families.  Please pass on to the other association members.  Thank You

What year does he think this is? 1823? He'll only deal with the men? OMG! 

What does one even reply to this?! I have sooo many ideas, LOL.


  1. I know how I’d reply. A big fat FU. Seriously I would and no one that know me would think I wouldn’t lol.


    1. a big fat FU was my very first thought, too. LOL.

  2. I’d tell him it wasn’t a request!

    1. So far what I have written that is the first sentence! It wasn't a request; it was a courtesy notification of planned road maintenance.

    2. Add--and this little lady can type better than the man of the house.

  3. Pray tell good sir, thoust declines to have association with a Matriarch, horrors! Dost thou prefer to associate with mine Barrister? DAN is an annoying ignorant little boy Patriarch who is afraid of women, err I mean Matriarchs, LOL! You know for sure, if a woman sent him an email saying she had a $5000 check for him and where should she mail it; he most definitely would respond to that "matriarch" request. Just ignore him and keep on doing what you're doing. He's trying to purposefully annoy and insult you. Don't respond to his ridiculous email, that just gives him more power. Who uses the term matriarch, anyway, when they just mean woman/women? But that would be weird to come right out and say I won't respond to a woman. Hopefully he will sell the lot soon.

  4. P.S. I wonder what type of relationship he had with his mother?

    1. yes, and also wondering what it's like with his wife, who is like 13 or 14 years older than him at 80 years old!

  5. Damn Dominionists! ::EYEROLL:: Seriously, if I got a response like that, I guaraneffiingtee you they would NOT want to interact with my husband. Ever. Or any of my sons. Or my daughter. Or me. Happy Father's Day. BTW, today I made another copycat Nothing Bundt cake--they're easy, and DH loves them. Not sure if I should thank you for putting that bee in my bonnet, as I kinda' like fitting in my size 6 jeans, but I never would have done that if it weren't for your Matriarchal blog. The other big thing here in the "big" city south on I-5 is Crumbl Cookie. Have you had those? Thoughts?
    Dan is an ass.

    1. Crumbl cookies aren’t my thing. They are big, but expensive, and way too sweet. That said my Dil absolutely loves them lol.


    2. Eyeroll is right! DH said the same "he does NOT want to hear from me or talk to me". I may have to try making my own nothing bundt cake. I have heard of the Crumbl cookie from my son in law, but have not had one.

    3. Diane, not my thing either. Same feeling. Sweet, overpriced, and while they may be baked (eated) on site, they dough is delivered frozen. I just think of them as the same marketing plan as Nothing Bundt, and wondered if One Family had heard of them. They're fairly big here, but I think it will fade as quickly as the Krispy Kreme doughnuts stores did.

  6. omfg what a NUTTER. Wow, I hope he just ups and sells. What a pain in the a$$

  7. Why are men like that? The guy who mows has seen me here every time he mows. But, when I asked him to do something, he said in a haughty tone, "I will do what Tommy asks me to do." I just shut up in amazement.
    I suppose he could only insult you one way--through your gender. It says more about him than you. He is implying you rule the house, so unladylike ( as in the 1950s version) of you.
    How does he treat his wife? Poorly, I imagine.

    1. He's a pathetic excuse for man. I can't even imagine how he treats his wife.

  8. If you didn't pay him yet, cancel and tell him to shove his Patriarchal, misogynistic bullshit. Find someone who isn't so condescending. If you paid with a c/c still cancel on your end and dispute the charge using his FU email as proof of his breach of contract or whatever. What a loser ass hat.

    1. The email is from the neighbor who bought the land and hasn't started building, not the person doing the road.

    2. Sluggy - Anon is correct. This is the email from the guy who has the lots next to us, getting ready to build, after I notified him about the planned road maintenance

  9. Wow, just wow! I'm speechless!

    1. oh c'mon! I was really looking forward to a good comeback to him from you! :)

  10. "My husband refuses to deal with stupid misogynists so, you are stuck with me forever. Oh and BTW, FU!" would be a good answer. I seriously hope he sells and gets the eff out of your neighborhood.

  11. I just remembered something that happened to me years ago. I was arguing with a doctor about putting tubes in my oldest son’s ears. We had done it with the girls with bad results and I wasn’t doing it again. The dr asked me what my Dh thought about this and told him my husband would think whatever I told him to think so he was stuck with me lol.

  12. Not replying or acknowledging would probably irritate him the most.

    Plus, I would ignore the whole premise of his reply. You were not sending him a request. You are the one he will be dealing with when you do send a request. He doesn't get to pick who corresponds with him. He is looking to start a fight and assert his dominance. By responding, any response, you are playing into his controlling manner.

    1. I considered not replying, but he is so arrogant that he will think this is an agreement to his "rules".

  13. Tell him you are not his secretary and if he wants the other homeowners to know his stance on not dealing with women he can send out an email saying just that.
