Thursday, June 22, 2023

Misc Thursday stuff

I really hope at some point DAN wants/needs to email me about something (he doesn't have dh's email address or ph#). He's going to get an "automated" response back that says: Delivery notification failure. The party you are trying to reach does not accept requests from assholes". LOL. or: The party you are trying to reach is a woman and therefore, unable to take your request.

Treaders comment about what if Lot 6 had just been a single woman owner, how would he have managed? LOL. That reminded me of who owned our lot before us.....a lesbian couple! HAHAHA! He would have had a stroke, LOL.

My company's is having their mid year company meeting on a Monday, July 10. Apparently it was just going to be a meeting to attend for those who work out of the office and the remote staff could just watch via Teams. Ok, fine by me, I don't have to make a trip over there. Then this week my boss emailed those of us out of the area to see if we were interested in coming, short notice and not mandatory, but she'd get the travel arranged for anyone that wants to come. I told her I will come, but since it's summer (and I have a good new car) I'm just going to drive over for it. It will take me about 6 1/2 hours and by the time I fly over, I have at least 5 hours into the trip, plus dd's time to come and pick me up at the office (to stay at her place) and drive me back to the airport. Flying home would be a weekday and I don't want dd to have to take time off to get me to the airport. Plus, it's like an hour and 15 min drive from her house to airport, then get there an hour and a half early to allow for TSA line time. I can be halfway home, driving by the time my plane would take off. I'm just going to drive over to DD's Sunday morning and spend the night. I'd go Saturday, but they have plans all day/eve on Saturday. Drive to the office Monday morning and then back to dd's in the afternoon and then I'll drive home Tuesday morning. 

I'm highly doubting there will be any mid year bonus, which is most likely why the meeting wasn't made a big deal and everyone has to come. Our sales are way down and a little over half what the goal is, but our commission rate on those sales is way up and almost whats budgeted, so that is really (in my opinion) the goal marker. That is our income. My guess is there will be some discretionary bonus's going out to select people (there is usually that on top of our regular bonus) but no overall bonus for everyone.

So far so good on the weather for tomorrow's asphalt sealing. Let's hope they show up and get this done. 

I've noticed over the past several months I'm occasionally dropping things. It just slips out of my hand. Usually the milk carton (ugh! but it is a half gallon with no handle and my hands are very small to wrap around the carton). It's happened like 3 times in the past few months. A couple months ago I dropped a glass emptying the dishwasher. Of course online medical diagnosing myself ranges from Parkinsons, stroke, effects from carpal tunnel (which I totally have) to Cervical myelopathy, which I most likely also have, from my neck injury years ago. If it's from the carpal tunnel, it may be beneficial for me to try using my gyro ball again, which I will give a try and see if there is any improvement.


  1. There is a scene from the Golden Girls, where Dorothy and Sophia tell Blanche that Rose's friend is a lesbian. She starts to freak out and says, "Lesbian..?! LESBIAN?!?!?" LOL. DAN would surely burst into flames. It will be a nice road trip for you in the new wheels!

  2. You can have an EMG to test whether what you're experiencing is from the carpal tunnel or not. I had similar symptoms years ago. Dropping things like cups, etc. After testing, they determined that I had the worst bulging / protruding disc they had ever seen. I had surgery and have never had symptoms like that again.

    1. My dh has had EMG's - he said they are super painful. Or is he just a guy? LOL

    2. I wouldn't describe them as "super" painful. I wouldn't want to do one everyday either though, lol. They're uncomfortable, but only for two seconds at a time, if that helps any.

  3. Might be worth taking a look at Essential Tremors. There is meds to help with controlling that. Good luck with whatever you have.

    1. My grandma and mom had/have that, but their hands always shake. Mine don't do that - yet, at least. But, yes, both of them had meds for it.

  4. I have carpal tunnel syndrome. At the university I was in a professor's office helping her and needed to use her stapler. As I handed it back, it slipped from my hand and landed on the arch of her foot. I was so embarrassed. She limped for a few days. I was very careful after that, making sure my hand was really going to hold. Then, I injured that hand, and it is worse. However, I do have back problems that I do believe contribute to my problems.

  5. It is worrying when you start dropping things of course, but self-diagnosing via google can probably make things worse too. I say this having had a colleague who self-diagnosed herself with mad cow disease (poor thing, she really believed it)!
