Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Quiet except for thunder

As I was finishing up work yesterday we started having a thunderstorm. Holy cow, that was a thunderstorm! It was so loud and close it was actually making the metal art on my office wall rattle against the wall. And then it downpoured rain. One of those wine barrels we put at the corner of the shop with the gutter spout going into it? It was filled within minutes. I'm not exaggerating. Then it was time to go downstairs and make dinner. Lights flickering. So, I crossed my fingers and tried to heat up some tomato soup really fast before we lost power, LOL. We never did lose it, other then for a few seconds, thankfully.

We've made it 2 1/2 weeks with neighbors family visiting, 1 1/2 to go. Getting there! Hopefully with them moving to CA, it will be less visits here, haha. 

And still quiet for the past week and a half on DAN's lots. I regularly check their listing for their house they are trying to sell. Almost 2 years on the market. What in the world is going on with that? It's a nice house, in a very nice neighborhood of nice homes on like 1 1/2 acre lots with water view. Other than the lack of landscaping, it's a nice home. Landscaping can be added. My guess is between that and the price, and now the length of time it's been listed, it's just sitting there. It's a pretty rural area and my guess is their price is at least $100k too high. So not reducing the price, you'd think to yourself, ok they don't really need the money/have to sell it, yet now they have sat on these 2 lots almost 2 years, too, so if they didn't need the money from that house, why aren't they building here?

I'm pretty sure they need to sell that house in order to build here. Last May/June when they thought they had it sold and were going to close in August, he was all gung ho and out here measuring, and telling us his construction equipment was on the way...... and that is how we found about about the 10,000 metal building plans. Then the sale fell through and us awful neighbors sent him the letter. But, as soon as their sale fell through, nothing happened at these lots. The first thing people usually do on vacant land is get the well dug. Want to make sure you find water/have a water source before spending a bunch of money on site work and building. Still no well put in.

Dh opened the door to let the cat in and didn't see he had something in his mouth until after he got inside. It was a poor little hummingbird. But I guess, thankfully it wasn't still alive or I have no idea how we would have gotten a hummingbird back outside!


  1. I wonder how his views on women are affecting the sale of their home? Could be he's refusing to sell to certain people.

    1. Nothing surprises me about him anymore, so I suppose that could be possible!

  2. Awful neighbors did not send him a letter, the Matriarch I wonder if he would sell to two women or a woman who talks more than her husband or more than he likes.

    1. Maybe his home listing should say "Patriarch's only" haha

  3. I miss thunder and lightning storms, when you can see the lightning bolt. We don't get those here in the North Sound, but in the Panhandle, and Southwest...oh, my!

    1. We get some doozy's here. Thankfully, so far this June it's been wet to go with it so no forest fires starting
