Saturday, June 10, 2023

Cats and dogs

DD and SIL made it here in even more record time, haha. 6 hours and 20 min drive, so they got here at 1:20, which gave us most of the day together. Around 4pm dd and I ran into town to the little store to get a few things for dinner (chicken sandwiches). I had made a cake on Thursday so we had cake and ice cream for dessert. Most of the afternoon we spent sitting on the patio chatting. Evening we watched some more episodes of a funny show they had gotten us into last visit (Ghosts). While it thundered and then poured rain. We went to bed a little after 10, so at least it wasn't too late.

It seems strange with them only having 1 dog with them now, but it is much calmer. Even our cat is feeling calm and getting to know the dog. 

The weather is pretty crummy and more rain this afternoon expected so I think we're not going to go out and do anything. We talked about going to this old used bookstore in the area, so we'll likely just do that this afternoon.


  1. Oh, that clip of the dog and cat together is wonderful! I love it. You have a “Peaceable Kingdom” in your own yard. Too cute! Ginger

    1. I love it, too. Also makes me want another dog, LOL

  2. We found out about Ghosts from the British version, which we like even better than the American version. Not sure if you can find it, but I would recommend checking out the British version. Ranee (MN)

    1. I heard it was based on a British show. I'll have to try to find it

  3. I love your yard! We need more videos, especially of Amos. What kind of dog? I suppose kitty can deal with one dog? If they both tried to play with him at once, I suppose it was overwhelming and felt like an attack.
    It is too bad it is raining so much, but visiting without going places is certainly a family thing.

    1. thank you! Two dogs was just like you said, the other dog would start barking and they'd both go nuts.

    2. Forgot to add - the dog is just a mix of a bunch of stuff. Was supposed to be an Australian shepherd, heck it's not even the size of a mini, LOL. DD did one of those dog DNA tests and it came back as "Super Mutt" LOL. He's got Aussie, chow, and a bunch of other stuff. But he sure is a cute little dog.

  4. Tommy loves Ghost. I am still on the fence. It just seems weird. After he explained it to me through several episodes, it is clever, just not something I choose to watch.

  5. That's a beautiful doggie:)
    Amos is holding his own!
    So cute, the two together ❤️
