Wednesday, March 15, 2023

To do this and that

My mom's credit union actually called me yesterday when they got my POA and change of address form. I had included my phone number. Her CD doesn't mature until April 12th and she said it's best to wait until that date to close it, otherwise there would be like a $1200 early cancel fee! I said no problem to wait until the CD matures. She has noted the CD to transfer over with her savings account there, then they would send out a check for the account balance. I asked if there was a way to electronically transfer it to her bank and she said she will email me the wire transfer form. I think that will be much easier and quicker than mailing a check....which I would then have to wait and deposit it when I am in the city, delaying it even more. But, the wire transfer email she sent with the form also includes a form to get do a wire? Ridiculous. So, I guess I'll just have them mail the check and either mail it into mom's bank for deposit or deposit it when I'm in the city. I'm not spending an hour or more, including driving just to go get it notarized. I was happy that someone was on the ball and actually called me, rather than me calling and trying to find out if they got my documents. My mom actually worked at this credit union many many years ago. Like over 40 years ago, LOL. Back when it was just a single office within a company and there were 3 ladies that worked in the credit union. I still remember my mom's boss's name. Crazy I can remember her name and now my mom no longer even remembers she worked there for like 10 years or so.

Yesterday afternoon I got a text from mom's previous caregiver K. She has a client with dementia who is declining fast and his daughter is considering the m/c place I put mom in and was hoping she could talk with someone who has a family member there and was wondering if I'd be willing to talk with her. I said of course, I'd be glad to help any way I can. She is giving her my number to get a hold of me.

Yesterday during my lunch break I got the coat of Kilz primer down on the plywood floor of the little loft he built in the shop. After dinner I then applied the coat of paint to it, so now that is done and once dry dh can move his junk up there. I also stained another 4x4 beam he will be using for the other loft. 

The wood hangers I ordered from Target arrived this morning, or rather one box did. Why wouldn't they just ship both boxes at the same time? So dumb. Anyhow, I don't like them. They looked like they had a bit of a stain color to them in the picture, but they are natural wood. I want something with a little bit of stain color, plus they seem small. The pants rod that goes across the bottom of the hanger isn't very wide. I'll probably just return them to the actual Target store, rather than try to ship them back. I guess I'll just get the ones that have the silver hanger hook, there were lots of different ones in that style with a more stained finish. I'll just order them from Amazon.

I need to remember to take that green sheet of paper with the instructions to tape to mom's door when I go in tomorrow I'm just going to scotch tape it along all 4 sides and hopefully she won't try to take it down. It's very likely she won't even notice it. She sure never paid attention to any signs I tried to make and leave for her in her old apartment. I also really need to get another chair for her room. There is plenty of room to set one and we need the extra seat when I am visiting and if we are in her room. I'm not sure what to get, it doesn't need to be anything fancy, that's for sure. I'm tempted just to pick up a folding chair.

I've resubcribed to Apple +tv so I can start watching Ted Lasso. Such a good show and I'm sure I can find some more good shows on their to watch while I have it for a couple of months.

And oh ya, unplugging my firestick from the wall outlet appears to have done the it's working again and while I've only watched it a couple of times since, it connects right away and hasn't froze up once during the shows. At least I can hold off for now in buying a new firestick, so that is good news. 


  1. That is sad she does not remember ten years of her life. I wonder if and when I will be in the throes of such a dilemma. I never heard of notarizing an e-document.
    You know she will see the piece of paper that you do not want her to remove! Well, it would be my luck.
    It seems a folding chair might not be the best choice for her room. She might try to fold it and hurt herself.
    I am glad you got the firestick problem solved. It sounded annoying.

    1. I've never heard of that being notarized either. We do wire transfers from our bank and though it is more work/form to fill out, it doesn't require a notary, for goodness sake. Oh well.

    2. oh and I was starting to have same idea you did about a folding type chair, probably not a good idea

  2. Have you considered velvet hangers? Homegoods, Costco, Marshall’s or tj max usually have them and they are better for clothes and thin profile so the closet looks neat. They were a splurge for me but got them in huge boxes from Costco so they were not overly expensive….I love them!

    1. I hadn't thought of that kind, but it worth thinking about as an alternative

  3. I was going to suggest a folding chair too but on second thoughts, yes, a folding chair might not be safest.
    If you have an IKEA they have some nice easy chairs.

    1. I think the closest IKEA is 400 miles haha. I was hoping to get something easy for me to load and carry in. I think I'll just try to pick up a dining room type chair.
