Friday, March 10, 2023

Happy (snowy) Friday

I finally called the credit union mom has a savings and cd with (well, I did try once before and got a recording to leave a voicemail). The quarterly statements she gets show the maturity date on the 5 year cd as April 2023, but in looking through the files I took from her apartment when moving her, I found a little slip of paper on the CD that says it matured on Feb 2023. Oh well, either way I'm closing out the account and getting it transferred to her checking so the money can be used for her memory care rent. They told me to mail in my DPOA, along with a copy of my ID and then once they have that on file, I can take care of closing the account out, so hopefully by next week. I will get this out in the mail to the CU tomorrow Or if the CD doesn't actually mature until April 12th, I'll wait until then to close it, if there is a penalty for closing early. The amount that is in this CU will cover about 4 months of memory care costs. And getting that account closed and that money put in with her regular checking/savings will be one less account I need to keep track of for her. 

Mom's previous caregiver, K, texted me again asking how my mom is adjusting. She's very sweet to check in on her.

Apparently our issue with our heating system is not an easy fix. Some wiring needs replaced and they are trying now to figure out how best to do it. It sounds like its some wire from the outside heat pump that goes inside to the furnace, from the kitchen wall, to communicate with each other. At least that's where he said he traced the bad wire to. He said they don't use that kind of wire anymore, due to problems. I asked why it took 4 years to start having a problem, LOL. They don't know. He needs to get with his boss (company owner) to figure out how to fix it, but boss is out of town this week.

I did manage to catch my mom in her room after lunch yesterday and she answered. A little confused, but not terrible. I've noticed lately, as I often try to call around 1:30 or so, that she looks at her digital clock and thinks the 1 is a 7. That's happened several times, even before the move.  She kept asking if she has my ph# and I kept telling her it's programmed into her phone with my name next to the button. She'd see it and say oh ok, and 2 sentences later would ask again. Then she mentioned she must have drove her car here (where she lives) and would have to check on that. I just said ok. She said well, I must have driven, otherwise I don't know how I would have gotten here.

It's snowing again and supposed to snow most of the morning and early afternoon. Sounds like another plowing and shoveling day for dh. This is his start on the corner loft in his shop. He didn't get too much done yesterday as the hvac guy was here until like 12:30.

Ok, I just walked down the street in the snowing weather to mail the documents to the credit union and some other mail to go out. Definitely still winter, here. There was enough snow on the ground that I put my boots on. Neighbors walk to get on the school bus less than an hour earlier and their tracks in the street were almost covered up.

Today I am processing payroll, so that will take me most of the morning, I'm sure, but so far it's going smooth and I only have one question my boss needs to answer and have sent that email off to her and am waiting a reply. We have an company outlook calendar for PTO days off, but sometimes they do not match up with the days off showing as requested in the payroll system.

I did find that show Doc Martin and started the first episode, but only about halfway through it so far, but it seems good so far and looks like it will be something I enjoy.

Dh and I got a laugh the other day. He has this "architects ruler", this 3 sided thing with 6 different measuring scales, that he uses often. It's actually a ruler I got back in my college days, when I took a drafting course. Well, it snapped in half the other day and he brings it to me and says he loves this ruler, oh no! Can I get him another one? I said well, I'll look.......that thing is literally 40 years old! (god, I'm old), they probably don't even make them or use them anymore, with everything being computers now. But, what do you know, the same exact ruler by the same company is still made, so I ordered him one from Amazon for $6.70. It should last another 40 years, LOL.

It's really snowing hard. Just in 30 minutes my footprints are pretty much covered up now. It looks like dh will keep busy today :)


  1. Four months of memory care costs is "not to be sniffed at" as they say round here - a significant amount towards ongoing costs.

    K is very thoughtful; a thoroughly nice person by the sound of it.

    We've got snow in the UK!
    It dumped a pile on our city last night and all buses and taxis have stopped running and the schools have closed.
    We're in the middle/north of the country and it tends to be colder here than the mild weather round London in the south east.
    As I was shovelling a path to the front door I thought of your dh. Can he come round with his sit-on plow for half an hour?

  2. Oh I LOVED Doc Martin - I have a soft spot for the police officer (can't remember his name right now). They filmed the final series and I missed it so I must follow up on that. That being said, I remember commenting to my brother that they make it look like Cornwall is miles and miles of wilderness whereas truth be told, any time you round a bend you'd most likely find a 500 pitch caravan site!
