Saturday, March 25, 2023

Plugging along

After almost 2 weeks, the HVAC owner (not the tech guy who came out) finally called and discussed with dh the best way to fix our issue with our zones not working. It sounds like they will be out here on Monday, but he said his office will let dh know. DH told him any day, but Tuesday.

And the delivery company that is delivering the bookcase door called, and of course they wanted to come out next Tuesday. I laughed and said I knew you were going to say you know if it would be morning or afternoon? We'll be gone all morning Tuesday. No, they can't say what time, only that it will be between 9am and 4pm. Ok, then. Now it will be the following Tuesday, another week out.

We did go into the lumber store during my lunch break yesterday. I got the extra stain and a couple extra brushes and dh went out to their wood area and got the trim. Then we decided to stop in the little grocery store for bananas and a couple of donuts, if they had any. Then we filled up with gas and were back home within the hour. I quickly did the last 2 shelf boards with that needed the first coat. Then after work I spent about 90 minutes doing all the boards with the second coat. This morning I will get the first coat of poly on.

I found some wood clothes hampers I like. I guess about midway between what I wanted to spend and the prices I was finding for others I liked, so I guess I can live with that. I did some online searching for the best price. Again, that "google lens" feature sure helps make that easy. When I first saw the hamper on HSN it's $223. For one! LOL. Google lens search let me find two for less than $200 total for both. When we are done with our closets, including the dressers I want to get for each, we're going to try to estimate how much we spent in total to do them ourselves. Kind of hard since some of the lumber is for the shop lofts, but we can probably get a close estimate. Maybe a quarter of the cost of custom closets? We'll see.

Mom's phone was still off the hook/unplugged all yesterday. I did sent uncle a text letting him know, in case he was trying. And I told him I'm not sure how long a phone will work for her in her room, but we'll keep trying it awhile. 

DD may be up for another promotion at work. She's got (yet another) new boss, but she likes this guy so far. I think he was temporarily her boss during Covid, when her manager retired, but now he's back, hopefully permanent in this position at least for awhile, she's hoping.


  1. Would it be evident to her carers if her phone were off the hook or unplugged? i guess she just fiddles with everything.
    I cannot wait to see the door. And, the closet.

    1. Evidently they aren't noticing her phone. That one time dh noticed it it was barely off the hook. Last time she did this it was off for like a day or so but then back on, so I'm not sure if she did it or someone else noticed it. I think she just fiddles with it. I cannot wait to see the door and closets LOL.
