Thursday, March 9, 2023

More appointments

The new doctor for mom had told me her office administrator guy would call me to schedule mom's next appointment in 4-6 months and he did call me the very next day, so now we have an appointment to see her again in August. Nice that they seem to be on top of things and follow up as promised. One of the things the dr. took care of during the visit was filling out a "POLST" form, which I wasn't familiar with. It's "Provider Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment" and gets taped to the back of her room door. She did go over it and asked mom her choices, which mom seemed to pretty much understand. We went with No CPR/do not resuscitate and allow for natural death, ok to do selective treatment, say for example she had an infection or broke a bone, but not intensive care, and no feeding tube if she stops eating.

I had my mammogram done and have to go back in for additional views. I had to do this 5 years ago for what they determined was a small pea sized benign cyst in my left breast. I have dense tissue, which I guess makes it hard to see, so the ultrasound was needed to make sure. The mammogram results are reading pretty much the same as 5 years ago "mass in left breast at 9 o'clock", more imaging recommended. So, I'm hoping that this will be just the same thing as before, but I go in on the 20th. When I went 5 years ago they told me right then it was just a benign cyst.

DH is making a little progress on his lofts, but mostly it's been me staining everything he's getting ready, first. I did some more during a lunch break yesterday and then after dinner. I think I am done for a little while now, while he now gets started building. This morning we are just waiting for the hvac guy to get here, pretty soon.

I tried to call my mom a couple of times yesterday morning, but no answer. I don't have voicemail set up on her phone (obviously she wouldn't know how to access it) so after about 5 rings it goes to a recorded message that says the party you are trying to reach does not have voicemail set up. So, I tried again after lunch and rather than ringing the 5 times, it went straight to this recorded message. That tells me she got her phone off the hook. I tried several more times over the afternoon, but same thing. When dh was there with me a week or so ago, he noticed her phone was partially off the base and set it back on right. I'm sure she's done this again. I'm not sure how long we'll be able to let her have a telephone. It doesn't do much good if she's leaving it off the hook and it doesn't work. And I'm not going to bother the staff to call and ask them to set it back on. They have enough to do without bothering with that. Probably why most of the residents do not have phones in their room. I'll give it a chance for awhile longer, but we'll see. Her not having a phone would also give me the break from uncle calling her - and then me, right?! When I visit her I could just call him from my cell and he could talk to her then every so often.

My side job boss (who I also have become friends with over the years, so we chat often about non-work stuff) texted me the other evening that they've been watching a tv show I'd probably like called Doc Martin. Have any of you watched it? I'll need to find out what streaming it's on to check it out.


  1. We really enjoyed Doc Martin. It's on Acorn.

  2. Do you think your mother will leave it taped to the door? She had a paper at the other place to which she referred? or picked up. I wonder. How does your mother know what she was agreeing to having done? It seems like with her level of cognition she probably just gave answers.
    The first mammogram I ever had they did it six or seven times right then and there. It seemed having mammograms was going to be a career! Hopefully, it is all well with yours.

    1. I was wondering if she'd leave it taped up too! Dr. said to make copies, LOL, and give one to the nurses desk to have on file as well. I figure the dr knows best as to if she could answer ok, plus it matches her living will

  3. Doc Martin was a favorite of ours and we were a bit sad when they ended it. They did a final special/Christmas episode so they don't leave you hanging or anything but still miss the series. Ranee (MN)

  4. They’re probably required to have the orders taped up. When my mil lived with us, we used Home Instead aides once a week and we had to have her dnr taped above her bed. I have dense tissue too, and had to be followed at our cancer center for 5 years because I had so many cysts and calcium deposits. So far hasn’t turned into anything worse. Joyce in FL

    1. I'm hoping the follow up is like yours, just to check again, since it's been 5 years.

  5. Hopefully your mamo follow up is just for clearer images. 🙏
    Your mom's new doc sounds like a keeper. :)

    1. it sounds like it's just for clearer images, as before. Plus the report now references the same area, so that is good, most likely that it's just the same cyst

  6. Love Doc Martin, got me thru the months after my husband passed. Was able to check out at our library as well.

    1. I see there are like 10 seasons but only like 6 available on Crackle, where I found it to watch. I'm sure I'll have to find the rest, haha.

  7. Doc Martin is a nice easy watch - set in a Cornish seaside town with lots of different characters. The Doctor in question is played by Martin Clunes and he’s blunt to the point of rudeness but always gets the diagnosis right!

    1. I watched some of the first episode and it seems like a good show.
