Sunday, March 19, 2023

Stain, rest, repeat

Just to clarify - me being sick of staining has really nothing to do with dh. It's just not my "thing", but I'd rather stain any day than have to paint, so at least there's that, haha. I'd rather do just about anything than paint.

The staining of all the boards and beams is just a small portion of these projects dh has (finally!) started on. He is doing so much, from the design/engineering, the figuring out what lumber and supplies he needs, getting them at the lumber store, or ordering online, measuring, cutting and then actually building. None of which I have any clue how to do, nor have the physical strength to do what he's doing. I can help with the staining part. Do I enjoy it much? not really. In small doses, I don't mind it. He was being really stupid (and probably very tired) Friday evening when he thought all the boards he had just cut up for the closet project were somehow going to miraculously be stained and clear coated by Saturday morning, LOL.

Here is the mostly done loft in one corner. He still wants to finish the underneath "ceiling" of it with tongue and groove (more staining!) and figure out some lighting, but he's going to wait until he's done with the big loft that will go across the back of the shop. But, it's ready to store his junk and he's been able to already fill it up. He got started a bit on the back loft yesterday.

Yesterday wasn't too bad. My wrist was feeling better by morning and my wrist support helped and with the amount of boards to stain, I was able to work about an hour and be done, wait to dry, then the second coat, a few hours later, always goes on faster. Then after dinner the second coat was finally dry and I had just 4 boards that needed the clear coat brushed on.

It's just now starting to get light out this morning. Still too dark to see much outside but I can hear all the turkeys gobbling again this morning. Yesterdays temp reached 54 degrees. It was wonderful. And then dd texted me a picture of all the flowers at her Lowe's garden center. I'm still a couple months away from seeing that where I live, haha. The cat is going outside more and more as the weather is warming up. A lot of the snow is melting away now.

I think today he will be able to work on my closet some more, the boards should be dry and ready to use. I need to figure out a grocery order to put in to pickup after my mammogram/ultrasound tomorrow. 

I haven't heard from the woman mom's previous caregiver asked if I would talk to her about the m/c place, as she was considering moving her father there. But I did get a text from my TX friend yesterday. Her best friend's mom is showing signs of dementia (her dad passed last year and now she and her siblings are really seeing how bad her mom is) and had some questions about the cost of memory care, so I passed on what my mom's cost and that part of the cost is the care depending on what "level" of care they are assessed at. I also told her to tell her friend (I have met her before) she's welcome to call or text me anytime if she has questions.

For dinner last night I made spaghetti, which we will probably have again tonight as leftovers. If I have time today, which I should, I think I'll make some brownies. We haven't had those in a long time. That last cake I made was a bit dry. It was one of those "funfetti" cakes and usually I have always gotten the Pillsbury brand, but for some reason the 2 boxes I bought last time are Betty Crocker. So, not as good? I'll get Pillsbury again and make that next time to compare.



  1. It is good the support helped your wrist. So, he has figured out that staining takes time? I would rather paint than stain. Of course, I will not be doing either for the foreseeable future.
    I hope kitty does stay out of the way of hawks!
    Betty Crocker pouch brownies are wonderful! But, then a good, chewy, fudge brownie is always delicious to me.

    1. He seems to have figured out how long staining takes now, LOL. Last night he was telling me he's going to cut the plywood for the shelves part on Tuesday and then add 2 days for staining, haha.

  2. You might want to consider a light wrist support for your computer time as well. Enjoy your Sunday...and brownies! I typically don't use cake mixes, but when I do, I add a small box of instant pudding and some sour cream, (unless they are the type with pudding in the mix.) I also try not to overbeat the mix. (Actually, I tell a lie, as I have a chocolate-rum Bundt cake recipe which uses a cake mix, and I have never been able to replicate it from scratch. I also make the poke cakes from mixes only--scratch ones don't hold up to the gelatin getting poured on, it seems.)

    1. The wrist support I have is for computer time. If I have to do a lot of data entry or mouseclicking it sometimes starts to hurt so I'll wear it. But, mostl if it starts bothering me I use my "gyro ball" a few times and that thing helps so well.

  3. Yellow Shoes ( formerly Anne Brew )March 19, 2023 at 6:32 PM

    Just dropped by to let you know I’m changing my name to a more anonymous one. I’ve had a persistent scammer emailing me; I think I feel easier not being so identifiable. I’ll drop the Anne Brew now and just be Yellow Shoes.
    ( it was a song from childhood I really liked )

    1. Well that will be a great easy name to recognize you by!

  4. My sister needed wrist support after she had my nieces, and the brace definitely helped. I hope kitty enjoys his adventures!

    1. Have her try a "gyro ball". My chiropractor recommended it years ago and it's like a little miracle ball. I rarely ever have to use my wrist support and only use the ball (just a few times) if I over use my wrist again and it starts to hurt.

    2. oh thank you!! she is starting a new job this week so i am going to make a note of the gyro ball!
