Saturday, March 18, 2023

I'm over it

I am so sick of staining boards. I worked all day yesterday and then spent 2 hours staining boards and putting a clear coat on some that will go in the closet. By the time I was done I couldn't even move my carpal tunnel wrist. I think it's the putting on the clear with a paint brush that is hurting my wrist. When I apply the stain I just use a rag and wipe it on and haven't had any wrist issues. This morning I need to do one more coat of clear on the boards. Ugh.

Plus dh was being annoying about the whole thing. He has no patience and I don't know how many times I've told him how many coats of stain and clear need to go on. Two coats of stain, but those dry pretty quickly, and then 2 coats of clear. The clear takes a lot longer to dry. I don't know how many times I've said "2 coats" and how many times I've said "you have to wait for it to dry". While I was staining after work he kept complaining that he won't be able to put these boards up into the closet until Sunday now and acting like I could have done this sooner, with the clear coat. How? I just got the staining done Tuesday evening. Wednesday I had work and we were gone half the day going to my dr appt and errands. He decided to take Wed eve off from working on it, not to mention I was too tired anyway. I got to it the next chance I had. It's not like he's on a schedule or has to be back at work on Monday morning so he needs to get it done by Sunday. I just ignored him and kept staining and clear coating. He did say, as he was watching me stain a beam for the shop loft "you do it better than I do. I put on too much and it's a mess and too much doesn't end up soaking into the wood" I just said yep, plus I'd rather not have my rag sopping with stain and making a big mess around everything. 

Temps are still cold overnight and in the morning but it is getting up to mid to high 40's during the day. Where dd lives her tulips have started to sprout the green leaves. I can now start to see spots of our (brown) lawn where the snow is finally melting, LOL.

I'm not looking forward to doing more staining this morning, after he gets up and going. I have my wrist thing on and will try leaving that on under the latex glove, while I'm staining. Hopefully that helps my wrist last a bit longer.


  1. You are a saint! I know you’ve explained that he gets too tired to help you, but you just do so much—in addition to being the only breadwinner in that house! Take care of yourself when you can.

  2. Life’s a nuisance at times!
    Soon it’ll be done and he can enjoy the fruits of his…and your! … labours! x

  3. Oh my, as soon as my Dh complains in anyway about how im doing something I quit. He complained about my painting method so I don’t paint, I used to like to mow the lawn, but he complained so I quit. He started complaining one day about his shirts having static and I quickly said keep it up and you’ll be doing your own laundry lol.


  4. He seems driven, but he doesn't need to drive The carpal tunnel is no laughing matter. Take care of it. Do you stop often and flex and shake it off? I do everything I can to avoid surgery for carpal tunnel! Every time you talk about a brace/splint, I am reminded I need to buy two for me!

  5. Have you ever seen the Everybody Loves Raymond episode where Ray shares with Robert how to get out if helping with his wedding by acting incompetent? That's what I thought of when I read this. When I do stuff that is getting critiqued by my husband and I tell him that he can do it if he doesn't like my way, his tune changes to how I am so much better at whatever it is. Seems like someone who is so meticulous about the things he builds could figure out how to stain and clear coat. Seems like he could also figure out how to make breakfast and lunch when you are busy working your full time job and part time job. But, I guess every successful marriage has it's own compromises.

    1. I believe it's called weaponised incompetence. Not saying One Family's dh is doing this but it is a known tactic. My oldest son was very good at it!

  6. Lots of comments for you today! lol I guess the hubby complaining isn't a winner of your followers! I always tell my hubby "You take care of the outside and I'll do the inside of the house. If you don't like something, change it and I'll do the same!" But that doesn't always work that way, does it? Sometimes men need a little kick in the butt to stop being .... well, men! lol If he doesn't like what you do, then give him the brush and walk away. Same with cooking. Same with whatever else he complains about. Seems that they do forget often that woman "most" of the time juggle working full time, cook, clean and laundry. Not to mention the 100 plus things on your to do list. I'd say make yourself a nice cold drink , grab your fave book and go put your feet up for a couple hours.
    Good luck with your carpal tunnel! I had that done last June along with trigger finger the same day. Right hand. It worked for about 4 months before coming back with a vengeance in both hands. I'm not having the surgery again. I don't think it's worth it.

    Best of luck!

  7. I would rather have all my teeth out without an anaesthetic than do that kind of work with my ex so well done you!

  8. ok, so I had thought I put a LOL after my first sentence, haha. He wasn't mad at how I was doing it (he even said I do it much better than he does) he was just grumbling that it wasn't getting done when he wanted it to/thought it would because he was not thinking ahead to how many coats of stain and sealer and how long that all actually takes. Somehow in his brain I was just going to do all 4 coats in one evening....what?! Where have you been the past week or two? LOL. I made a typo in my days. It was Wed and Thurs not, Tues and Wed. We took Thurs off and got started again yesterday, but he was acting like it was my fault. Like I said, I just ignore him and keep on staining ;)

    1. Sorry but J—— Martha, you’re the only one working as your title says. You get carpal tunnel and your work ability is harmed or at the least you’re in pain. I also believe in the learned doing things poorly or complaining enough so someone else does it. It just doesn’t seem right. Throughout the whole house build you’ve been the painter/stained. I’d pass it on occasionally and especially the moment there were any complaining. Especially when you’ve been waiting on him to start this for a long time.

  9. Let him vacuum the house in exchange for your staining. You cook, clean and work full time and manage your moms life. Don’t let him pull the you do it so much better crap with you.
