Friday, March 24, 2023

Medical billing mistake

The first part of my morning has been spent figuring out a medical claim for dh. I just got an email from the hospital medical group that dh has a bill due. I log in and it's for $744 for lab work back 6 months ago in October. Why so long to bill? It showed the charge was $930 with a provider adjustment and patient balance due of $744. At first I could not remember what labwork dh had done, so I logged into his mychart account and oh yes, it was the prostate biopsy, so this is the lab part of the billing (how could I forget that?! it came back no cancer!). 

Something just wasn't sitting right with me. While we are on a higher deductible insurance plan, I still wanted to see the EOB. I went to log into his insurance plan (which is on my plan, but I can't see his info with my log in). I had set him up with a log in. I had it written down in my book. Nope. wouldn't work to log in. I tried resetting and it would not send any info the the email I used for his account. Finally, I tried setting up a new log in and password and that worked. Then I figured out there was a way to "share" him to my account, so I got that box checked. Now I can just log into my account and see both of our claims.

And no insurance claim for this lab work is showing. Weird! So, I log back into the hospital group account and dig around and realize that they billed his old insurance (which he hasn't had since mid 2021). I had given the doctor's office his new insurance last year, but when they sent the biopsy into the lab, the apparently didn't forward the insurance info. The odd part is how was there a "provider adjustment" of $186 when that insurance they billed wasn't even valid anymore? I sent a message to the hospital group that the wrong insurance was billed and gave the new insurance info. About an hour later I got a message back that they will resubmit the claim to the correct insurance. I'm sure we'll still owe about the same, but it needs to get processed through the right insurance plan.

We are almost done with the master closets. I have started the staining of the shelves, last night, but we ran out of stain with 2 boards left. We had planned to go to the town lumber store on Saturday but we'll run in today at lunch to get the stain and other supplies dh needs. I also need a couple more paint brushes. So, we just need to finish the shelves and install them and then add some trim (which is what dh needs from the lumber store). 

Spring just wants to sit back and wait around here. A little more snow this morning.

Well, I'm going to try giving my mom a call....I doubt I'll catch her, but at least I'm trying LOL.


  1. Speaking of, I need to talk to the hospital about my bill. I paid a copay, but the final bill was recently processed on my insurance. It looks like I may have a credit, or some money refunded.

  2. Yellow Shoes

    I thought you were going to say it was a spam - I’m feeling a bit sensitive to them at the moment! Now dh has had an email, allegedly from a frail old friend, asking him to send a £50 gift card for a friend who has cancer - alarm bells rang just in time; this old chap has had his email hacked and his contacts have all been spammed.

    1. I mean “scam” !!

    2. I would have preferred a scam then a $700 bill I wasn't expecting/forgot about

  3. I had something like that happen to a bill. It took me forever to convince the dr office to submit it to the right insurance. It is annoying.
    Do you use brushes with bristles or the foam ones?

    1. I don't know why it's so hard to submit to the right company when they are given the info but it's also common for insurance companies to deny numerous times and claims have to keep being resubmitted (I used to do medical billing)

    2. forgot to add. I put the stain on with a rag but I do the polyurethane with a brush

  4. Gosh what a pain! I remember my colleague submitting his medical bills pretty much the same day he received them because, as he said, when you've got seven kids there's no way to keep track of this stuff if I let it sit!

    1. Here we don't submit our own claims (or I would have done it the same day too). The medical offices, labs, etc, submit the claims to the insurance companies. It can takes months to get a billing.
