Tuesday, March 21, 2023

More tests

I had my extra mammogram and ultrasound done and now on to the next appointment with it :(. It's a different mass, but near the other one I have that is a cyst. It's a little bigger and the doctor said (like 3 times) he's pretty certain this is also just a cyst, but the color is a little gray, vs black, which he said is likely just "debris" in with the fluid. But, to be certain he'd recommend having a needle aspiration done. If it comes out fluid, it's a cyst, if not they'll do a biopsy to send in. Or he said I could wait 6 months and have another ultrasound to see if any changes. I opted for the needle. I'd rather know for sure now then wonder. The nurse set me up for the appointment Tuesday of next week.

We are seeing some small signs spring is on it's way. The snow is melting, the days are a little warmer out, and one of my favorite signs....some baby calves at the ranch down the road about 5 miles. I also heard some Canadian geese honking on the river the other day, so they are back.

After my appointment we stopped at Lowe's to get some more screws dh needed and the closest rods. He had sent me links on Sunday evening to the boxes of screws he needed, via Amazon, but yesterday morning, as I was looking at Lowe's for the closet rod stuff I looked to see if they carried the boxes of screws he needed and they did and one box was $10 cheaper and one $8 cheaper than Amazon, so that's a win, plus he'd have them right away. We got all the screws (and then some) that he needed and headed back to the closet aisle. What a mess! They were basically remodeling that aisle and half the stuff was out in the aisle or shoved on other shelves. It took us twice as long to find what we were looking for, but we finally found what we came for.

I had set up a grocery pick up at Walmart, but we decided to stop at Wendy's drive thru first because we usually have to wait 5 or 10 minutes for Walmart to bring our stuff out, so we'd eat while waiting and that worked out good. Then we were also able to head home out the "back way" from Walmart, rather than going back thru the busy traffic area. We had last picked up an order on the 7th, so almost 2 weeks, but I really didn't need a full typical order. Mostly I needed bread and milk for sure, but still stocked up on some things since I was getting an order and that just lets us go longer until needing to go back. I spent about half what I normally do, but between that order and the one on the 7th, I'm in line for what I find I typically spend a month on groceries and misc supplies/personal care.

Since I just saw mom last Thurs and have to go back in next Tuesday morning, I decided to skip stopping in to see her. I was tired and just wasn't in the mood to channel my patience and ability to repeat myself over and over, all with a smile on my face and in my voice. My appt next Tuesday is at 7:45 am. I have no idea how long it will take, but I'm sure we can then stop at mom's after I'm done, which likely would be after 9am and she'll be done with breakfast. I also got an email yesterday afternoon from one of the ladies who works where mom used to live, asking if by chance I still have the emergency call device she was given 3 years ago when she moved in. I do have it (had forgotten about it) so I will drop that off next Tuesday morning to them. Mom never would wear it and kept forgetting what it was, etc, so early on I had just taken it home (still in the box) with me to hold on to, so it didn't get lost or thrown away.

Well, that's all for today. Back to work.



  1. I am glad you're opting for the needle now - better to be proactive. Wondering for 6 months will make you feel worse.

    1. Me too and I imagine in 6 month the recommendation would be the same, do the needle aspiration to make sure.

  2. I am a bc survivor. Hopefully it's benign but you're right to stay on top of it.
    Thinking of you:)

    1. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm hoping for the best.

  3. My new name still feels weird - but good weird. I feel much more comfortable behind an alias - just as you and Practical Parsimony have sensibly been for years.
    Wishing you the best of outcomes for next Tuesday.

    1. It takes awhile to get used to a new alias. But I have to say "Yellow Shoes" makes me smile LOL

    2. Ahh thanks One! x

    3. Not Anonymous- Yellow Shoes. Duh!

  4. I have never had a biopsy, but not for the doctors' lack of trying. The "thing" went away, so I was sedated and no needle. I could barely walk out of there. They did another mammogram while they held me up...lol. And, there was nothing there.
    It seems every time I go into Lowe's, the place is a wreck. With the electric cart, I cannot get through at all.

    1. Lucky you! I don't have to be sedated. The pamphlet I got said the needle is so thin that often they don't even use local anesthetic as that hurts more than the needle they will use.

  5. Here’s hoping for the very best. I had a needle biopsy at least 20 years ago and it was nothing serious (can’t remember what it was!) but hopefully you’ll have the same. Way better to get it over with! Jre
