Saturday, March 11, 2023

One project done

Well, we got lots of snow yesterday. Big fluffy flakes coming down for hours. For dinner, I took some frozen salmon patties out of the freezer. I need to get some more of those, they are really good. Walmart doesn't carry it, so I think when I'm back in the city next week for my doctor appointment I will stop at the grocery store that does and pick up about 4 more boxes. We like to have that about once a week or so. I won't need another grocery order from Walmart next week, so I will just swing into the grocery store and pick up the salmon after my appointment.

I'm getting annoyed with 2 things. The main email I use for personal stuff has been really glitchy the past several months if I'm attaching something to an email. The recipient doesn't get the email. If there's no attachment they get the email. The other thing I'm annoyed with is repeating something I already did. I've been watching my mom's checking since the first of the month to see her new m/c rent deducted. I supplied them the form and a voided check with all the move in paperwork. I emailed the guy to ask him about it and he forwarded it to someone in the accounting department. She sent me another form to fill out and said to also include a voided check. I replied back, just attaching another copy of the move in paperwork I had saved to pdf and said please see pages 2 and 3 with this info. This was late Tuesday. Yesterday morning nothing has come out of her account. I then remembered I've been having this attaching/send issue (I don't attach very often) so I emailed the lady in accounting to ask if she got my email with the banking info attached? She said no. So, I replied back that I'm having issues with this email address so I will send it from a different email and also said the info is in my original move in paperwork that they have. So, I sent her 2 emails back in reply, one to let her know I was sending it from a different email and then I sent one from the other email, with the pdf attached. I asked her to let me know she got it. No reply. There should be no reason she shouldn't have gotten those 2 emails. So annoying. Not to mention I'm not going to fill out their EFT authorization again and scan another voided check when I already did this and gave it to them. If it hasn't come out of her bank on Monday, I'll call her.

DH got the shelf added to the gun safe closet in his den. It was really hard to find a stain to match our trim, because Golden Pecan stain on pine wood looks absolutely nothing like it does on knotty alder. But, I think we got as close as we could. Later this morning we are going to to the lumber store to pick up more lumber posts he ordered that have come in. He wants to get started on my walk in closet today. I will have more staining to do, LOL.

The Murphy bookcase door for this closet is in "pre-production" status as of an email I got a few days ago. 

A long time ago I told myself when we ever get our stinkin master closets done I want all nice wood matching hangers. I need some for the guest closet and guest bedroom closets, too. This morning I remembered and was like "oh! I can find some hangers to order now!" LOL. It seems all the metal hanger piece that goes over the rod are all in silver metal. I'd love to find some hangers that are in bronze. Wonder if there is such a thing. I also want new hampers for each of our closets. We've had these old hampers forever LOL. One is pink and one is blue. The pink one is a hand me down from my mom probably 30 years ago haha. It's unfortunate that the one I like online is wood and $209....for a hamper! And I'd need 2. Not happening. I'll keep looking.


  1. The snow sounds really pretty. I see a task for your husband.
    I made salmon patties from canned salmon, but I had no idea they were sold ready-made.
    Attachments sometimes don't go through, but I always have assumed it was my fault. Maybe not.
    Maybe your husband can make a hamper. He seems talented with wood. I cannot wait to see the door he ordered.

    1. I guess the salmon isn't really a "patty". I used the wrong word, they are fillets. They come pre-seasoned and are ready in about 15 minutes, so an easy meal.
