Monday, March 6, 2023

Thermostat troubles

I'm having "fun" this morning trying to figure out why our thermostat isn't working. It's one of those smart things with a little computer screen that we're too dumb to figure out. Some alert code about it not communicating because it lost communication with a system component. Dh has the HVAC owner's cell and has texted him many times in the past several years if we have an issue. So, when dh got up this morning I told him that there was a problem and a code "31" and had printed out the page with that code info, but it basically says to call the HVAC company. We had a same/similar issue a year or so ago and dh texted or called him and he told dh what to do. Something just had to get reset.

DH says well you'd better call them. I'm like can't you just text owner, like you always have? Apparently not. He's butthurt because he tried to text him to ask him about something a month or so ago and he didn't respond back. OMG. One time, out of how many? So, I called the office phone number and of course got a recording. Their office lady did call me back pretty quickly and told us to restart the power on the furnace and it should reset everything in about 5-10 minutes. Well, once it was done doing that it came up with a new error code number. So, I called her back and had to leave another message, but it's been about a half hour and haven't heard back. Frustrating and annoying. DH is being frustrating and annoying, too. He gets down into our crawlspace, where the furnace is, and asks "did she say if we need to leave it off for a few seconds before turning it back on?" I just said, she didn't say and I didn't know to ask. (insert rolling eyes). Why she hasn't called back or had the owner or his tech assistant call us, who knows. Finally, after 2 hours of leaving a message I texted the HVAC lady and she eventually texted back, sorry she got swamped and will call me in a few minutes. That was an hour and 15 minutes ago.

She finally called back and they will have to send their service tech out to fix it - either tomorrow or Wednesday, she'll let me know when she finds out his schedule when he gets back at the end of the day.

I spent 2-3 hours staining boards, yesterday. Easy enough. I'd rather do that than paint any day. The snag we ran into is the boards he got for the closet shelves. They are pine. The stain in our house for doors and trim is "Golden Pecan", except it's all stained on knotty alder. Golden Pecan on pine looks like a washed out natural color. So, during my lunch break we went back into the lumber store and the guy helped me try to find a stain that would look like golden pecan on pine. No luck. Everything looks brown or red. We just ended up deciding to go with a light brown stain.  The guy at the lumber & paint store took about 6 or 7 different Minwax stains and made strips on our board of pine. None of them look like what is on the can when you use pine wood. Good to know. 

The HVAC lady just called and the tech finished his afternoon job early so he is heading out our way now, so that is good. He actually doesn't live that far from us, so it's not too far out of his way home anyway.


  1. Oh I hope he can fix it! DH should not be such a grumpy bear, you're working and he could at least have made the calls.

  2. It seems dh is making this worse for you and him. I know Tommy won't budge when he makes up his mind, no matter how silly the reason for his grumpiness. I hope you are not cold because of this problem.
