Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Last day of November

Over the long weekend I was able to get quite a few gifts and things we use ordered online. The Wrangler jeans dh likes to wear were on sale with Walmart for $13. I was able to get him 2 pair in the dark rinse in his size. All the other washes were sold out in his size. But saved $6 a pair over waiting to buy them later in the year, when he says he needs new jeans. 

I took a look for a few things to see if they were on sale with Amazon Cyber Monday. I was able to get dh's prostate supplement for $4 less, so I bought 3 months worth. My daily vitamins were $6 off. I needed more cat litter and Chewy had a coupon code for 30% off, which is a nice savings.

Including Thanksgiving dinner we got 3 1/2 full dinner meals out of the food. Sunday evening I gave dh the last of it and I just made myself some french toast. He also got quite a few turkey sandwiches for lunches and I got a couple sandwiches, too. I had bought a premade pumpkin pie from the store bakery. YUCK! It had the strangest flavor. It's like I've tasted the flavor before, but couldn't pin point what it was. I threw it out. Monday night we just had easy tomato soup. Last night I just ended up doing french toast for the both of us, with some sausage links. By afternoon I was feeling pretty tired from the less sleep I got Monday night (due to Mom calling and then checking the camera again an hour later). That is why there is no way I could have my mom live here, while I'm still working full time+, even though I work from home. Just that couple hours of screwed up sleep and I'm tired. Do that a few times and I get run down super fast. I know myself/limits. I need my sleep or I get run down really fast. 

I decided to order $100 Amazon gift cards for K and her assistant caregiver. Closer to Christmas I will mail them to K's business address with a note asking her to give the other caregiver one of them, since they are never there when I stop to visit mom. I don't want to just leave them at mom's apartment for them to pick up - who knows what she'd do with them.

I did manage to (finally) get mom talked into getting into her nightgown and going to bed last night, so no issues last night, she slept all night. Other than it took me almost a half hour and 2 phone calls between 8:30 and 9pm to get this accomplished. She'd hang up with me and then forget.

Today is payday, I always like payday :). Another $1000 payment to the mule loan, so still on track to have it paid off at the end of February.


  1. My grandmother lived with us in an already too-small house. My father was a tyrant when Memaw was not with us. He was worse and hated her. So, my mother was worn to a frazzle twice as much as she was even without my grandmother there, not sleeping, scaring me with talk in the middle of the night about gas leaking ad such, wandering down the road, not eating! She had to have a special diet, so Mama had to cook two dinners. It was a mess. Try doing what you did every night with a raving husband to boot.

    1. When my grandma got so she couldn't live by herself anymore I was kind of surprised my mom didn't have her move in with her. By that time my step dad has passed and she had the extra bedroom and was already pretty much seeing my grandma daily (they lived close to each other) but she didn't do that, so I kind of chuckle at the several times, a couple years ago, my mom would say "I should just live with you!".

    2. Even in the best of circumstances, it is hard.

  2. Jre I’m more concerned if you end up having no choice. If her current place would say she has to leave? They have their license and the other clients to protect. (I know that sounds like a harsh way to put it sorry). I’m afraid you’re it, no other family etc. Hoping the other place has an opening soon. My good friend worked (recently retired) also a RN at a memory care facility, did admissions often coming from other settings where she would go and meet and transition the discharge and then admission to her home. Often times it was done quite quickly but I do know that both that place and my smaller town nursing homes has cut beds or closed units due to staffing shortages. Have you got any answers in hiring someone for the night? It would be a good short solution.

    1. My first option will be to hire help to come in for the evenings/nights. Worst case, she has to come here until there is an opening. I didn't hear back yet from K on what ideas she said she has.

  3. Sending good vibes your way. This is very hard and I think, you are doing the best that one can do for your mom.

  4. awww, that's wonderful she got to be with her sister.
