Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Getting ready

I did end up having a phone call with the potential buyer of side job company. Actually he seemed pretty nice and it went well. He also knows many of the people I work with at my f/t job and he actually once worked there years ago, before I did. I do now recall hearing that story and I think it was shortly before I started working there. I think he is in his late 40's/early 50's (guessing because he is a younger relation to the owners of side job company). Anyway we had a good chat and he was easy to converse with. He actually already knew my name from working at my f/t company and when side job told him who their p/t bookkeeper is/to contact he said he said "wait, doesn't she work for so and so?" LOL. So, I explained to him how it came about me working for this company because my f/t company used to own this office (in another state) and we sold it to 2 employees and they asked me to do their bookkeeping p/t on the side, back in 2009. I said honestly I expected it to last a couple years and they'd hire someone f/t to work at their office, but they never did and here I still am! LOL. It's so weird how I HATE talking on the phone and will do it only when I have to, but I can totally talk and act like I'm totally fine talking on the phone, haha. But ok, I've had enough of it for today, LOL.

This morning is payroll processing and for once it went super quick. I'm glad, since this is only a half day. Part of the quickness is also because I'm not sitting waiting for hours for my boss to take a peek at the report before I submit it, since she's on vacation this week. I can look it over and submit it. I'm going to tease boss next time and say she needs to go on vacation again so I can have a quick payroll day LOL.

We had a pack of coyotes across the road yesterday, back in the trees, trying to call out neighbors dogs. Between the one coyote barking and neighbors dogs replying, it was noisy for awhile. Dh says they will have one bark like it's hurt to try to lure the dogs in. Not typical to hear them during the day, that's for sure and it wasn't the yipping of the group we typically hear occasionally at night. It was just one coyote doing this strange bark. 

I'm going to give my mom a call some time today to say hi and hope she still doesn't mention Thanksgiving LOL. Because honestly, I don't know exactly what time I will pick her up tomorrow. I'm just getting up my usual time (7am) and then getting the turkey ready and in the oven later morning and then will drive in to pick her up. Probably some time between 10:45 and 11:30. I'm really hoping I don't have to say anything and can just show up, pack her bag and we go and skip the 8 phone calls that morning every 5 minutes. Wish me luck!


  1. So do you get the sense he may actually keep you part time? Or is he clear in that he's taking the accounting in a different direction?

    1. Nothings been said either way, but, I'm sure he'll be using his own accounting staff, plus one of the business's he already owns is in direct competition with my f/t job company, so that would be a conflict, I'm sure.

    2. Noted! I am glad at least he seems pleasant :)! Have a wonderful holiday!

  2. I think how your doing Thanksgiving with your money m makes sense. Even if you just have to say we'll be seeing you, it might not trigger a bunch of calls. Coyotes luring dogs out sounds scary.

    1. that's what I did last night when she finally mentioned it, just tried not to go into too much detail about it

  3. At least this week's interaction is better than you thought it would be. Hopefully, you can surprise your mother. Does Kitty ever hear coyotes? Maybe having heard dogs barking, the yipping and barking does not faze him.

    1. The cat seemed to not be bothered, I think he probably thinks it's just the normal barking we always hear, and those dogs were barking too, back at the coyote.
