Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Movies, meds, and shoes

On Halloween night we watched a movie dh wanted to see. "Django Unchained". I'm not a fan of any Quentin Tarrentino movies, but aside from all the stupid blood and guts flying everywhere, the story itself was ok. That guy has one strange brain. Anyhow, it passed the time for the evening and dh only fell asleep once watching it, LOL. He has a hard time sitting on the couch to watch something. He almost always falls asleep.

I realized I hadn't put in for my extra time off over Thanksgiving and Christmas. Usually I take the Wed off before Thanksgiving, but we already only have to work a half day that day, so no need really to use a whole day of PTO (plus I don't plan on picking my mom up on Wed, as usual), so I put in for the Monday after. I also put in for Friday Nov 11th off. I will use that Friday to do another mom visit and get groceries. I can also pick up some furnace filters from our HVAC company, who is only open weekdays. For Christmas we get a few paid days off, the 23rd, 26th, and Jan 2nd, so I'm taking off the 27-30th. That will be a nice 11 days of no working. In the next couple of weeks, I'll also probably figure out a day early/mid Dec to take off on a Friday, too.

I ordered some tennis shoes from Skecher that I thought would be great. I already have a daily pair of Skechers I wear and really like and wanted to try out their new "slip-ins" style. Welp, a size 7 in this style runs small apparently, because they are too small and my toes are hitting. Boo! Now I have to send them back. Typically I can wear between a 6.5 and a 7 in shoes. I have super narrow AA feet so sometimes I 6.5 works in some shoes to help me get away from a shoe being too wide (as most affordable shoes don't come in narrow widths), but for tennis shoes, since I wear socks, a 7 is usually always good. I'm not going to get a 7.5 in the slip-in's. The too short 7 already felt too wide. Bummer. They were cute and a cute color. So, I had $15 in Kohl's cash to use and ordered a regular lace up pair, similar to the pair I have now.

We drove into the little pharmacy in town yesterday to pick up dh's med. At least it is fillable with a 90 day supply, but when it's time for his next refill I have to contact his dr office to order a new refill for the next year, I think I'm going to have them send it to the mail order pharmacy. It will just be easier, especially over the winter months, to not have to make a trip to town, if not necessary. I priced it out with the mail order pharmacy and it shows dh's 90 day supply via mail order at $27, where he's now paying $19. I thought it might be cheaper to do the mail order. But, it also takes about a gallon of gas to make the drive to town and back, so there's that cost at over $5 a gallon.  

Wed, Thurs and Friday is the other caregiver on duty. This morning she did her normal stop in to wake up (if necessary)/reminder a little after 7:30. But, then she also came back about 7:55 to make sure mom was actually ready (she was, just hadn't gone down yet) so the caregiver told mom she'd walk down with her, which I thought was good - makes sure mom actually gets down there by 8, instead of half the time they are having to come back up at 8:10 or 8:15 when they realize she's still up in her apartment. I had to call her again yesterday to remind her to go down for lunch, though I haven't had to do that in almost a week.

According to my weather app on my phone it's supposed to be snowing right now, but it's not, though I do see it snowed up on the ridge across from us.


  1. We ordered, with my strong encouragement, filters from Amazon. They were cheaper and I did not have to keep looking for his strange size. He refuses to change them more than once a year, no matter how many times I have a talk or the company who services it tells him it is best.
    I was going to buy Tommy slip-ins from Skecher without him trying them on. He would rebel at the price since he bought SAS. Now, I am rethinking that decision. His feet are not thick or swollen so even a regular width might not work. And, I could get him a 10, but now wonder if it would be too short. He has to use a 31" shoe horn, so he needs something easier to get his feet into. His WM crocs are the easiest thing to wear for him, but he needs something to hold onto his feet. I thought Skechers slip-ins would be perfect.
    I ordered otc from Amazon and the bottle was extremely hot when it arrived. So, I wonder about ordering to be shipped from anywhere.
    It is good the other woman takes good care of your mother, too.

    1. We change ours every 6 months, per our HVAC guy instructions. After a year, are the filters you have to replace showing lots of dust and dirt in them? if so, maybe that would convince Tommy they need to be changed more often. I was glad to see this other caregiver show a little extra initiative this morning. Maybe the new owner is getting her to pay a bit more attention to small details.

    2. One,
      Yes, they are very dusty and he says they will be okay! He is trying to save money, but the tech said it causes problems that will cost even more money. As you may have guessed, he is stubborn and a tightwad in many unhealthy ways, but generous in other ways.

  2. I despise Quentin Terantino movies! The first movie of his that I ever saw was Kill Bill. Not a fan at all. Then hubby and I saw the Django one was coming on one night, so watched it. Yuck. I vowed that I would look from then on to see if it was a QT movie before watching anything else, as we don't watch movies that often. Fast forward a year or two, we were looking for a western. Saw Hateful Eight and started watching it. Gross!

    1. I'm with you! First movie I saw was Pulp Fiction. HATE it, dh loves it. Then Hateful Eight. HATE it, dh loves it. I don't get it, LOL. I don't plan on watching any other of his movies. Dh can watch on his own.

  3. Anne Brew

    Been away from blogs two days and read your yesterday post about tight feeling legs at night. I know someone with tight and restless legs at night who drinks a small glass of tonic water before bed. She says it really helps.

    1. Anne Brew
      By "tonic water" I mean of course Tonic - that you add to Gin!
      I believe it's the quinine in it that helps with tight feeling or restless legs.

  4. I too need to figure out time off. My husband has 13 days he must use. It's nice to read your mom is getting good care.
