Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The best plans

Sometimes a plan just doesn't fall into place, LOL. Yesterday and sending out my packages (dd and return of shoes) was one of those.  My first plan last week, was to send them UPS. The return tag on the shoes was a UPS label. I wanted to send dd's gift UPS so it would get there in 2 days....(instead of USPS 5 days or however long they decided to take). If we weren't having a UPS delivery on Tuesday, dh could just text our UPS guy to stop in and pick up. Nope. He told dh last week he's on vacation this week. Ok, we'll just drop the packages off at the town store.

But then yesterday morning I got a notice that the new tennis shoes and throw pillows I ordered from Kohl's are arriving UPS. We'll be able to skip the trip to town and just give the packages to the UPS guy. Yay. UPS usually comes mid to late afternoon. First dh would hear the neighbor dogs bark that someone was turning into our street and then, of course, the substitute guy would come to the door to drop off the packages....the subs always do 3:45pm comes and I'm upstairs working and I hear dh swear and say he missed the UPS guy! He fell asleep at his computer, didn't hear the dogs bark that someone pulled into our street and the dang substitute UPS guy didn't bring the packages to the door - he left them out at the gate! OMG. LOL. So, we got on the car and took them to the store. At least while there I was able to pick up some baked chicken and potato wedges from the deli and that was dinner.

At least my original plan was to send out dd's gift a day earlier, just to make sure it had an extra day to get to her, so she should still get it on her birthday.

I logged into work this morning with a notification that I'm supposed to process payroll today...what? I thought it was tomorrow. I guess because Friday is a holiday for banking, it's today. Ugh. Plus I have 2 meetings to do today. Best get to it all.


  1. Yesterday, I had a feeling but did not want to be a doom peddler. I sort of thought there were too many moving parts to the plan and it was very tight. But, I did not want to spread doubt. However, it all came together for you, albeit by a different route. Just as long as the girl gets the cookies....

    1. yes! as long as the girl gets the cookies ;) (I gave her most that I made and dh ate a couple of extras and said wow, these are really good, LOL)

  2. I too have to get an easy gift to my son - a sports jersey so he'll get use out of it the rest of the season. No break in my day though.

    1. if I wasn't mailing fresh cookies, I would have just mailed her package earlier to avoid the stress, LOL.

  3. Some days are just complete write-offs!
    Lets hope today's a better one. x
