Saturday, November 5, 2022

Money management

Apparently my continued email/Outlook issue yesterday morning got bumped up a level to the next guy. He's their best and of course he had it fixed within about 15 minutes. I was telling my boss there are like 3 "levels" of expertise with our IT company. There's the one guy, who I always cringe when he gets assigned to my issue (and it almost always end up going up to the next guy). Then there is the 2nd guy, who I do like and am usually happy when it's him and usually he can fix stuff pretty quickly. But, the 3rd guy, is amazing, but of course he gets assigned the hardest ones. I guess I was it yesterday, LOL. My boss said for some reason, she just doesn't click with the 2nd guy and I'm guessing her being "the boss" she typically gets assigned the top guy, haha.

I've always been a bit flabbergasted by employees who are either months behind on submitting their expense and auto allowance reports (to the tune of thousands of dollars owed to them) or don't cash a bonus check until months later. Like - do they have so much money that they don't care? Are they just so scatterbrained that they can't even keep track of their money? A couple of examples came up yesterday morning at work. One, an employee we hired last April. She decided to quit. She had not turned in a couple months expense reports and she was also owed 3 months auto allowance she hadn't turned in reports for. And to top it off, my boss was cleaning out her desk and found her bonus check she was given last July! Who does that?! It was a check for almost $1000.

Then I realized that 2 other employees had still not cashed their bonus check from July. Boss and I were really surprised about one, as she is not a high earner and you wouldn't think it's because she doesn't need the money. Just as I was double checking with our bank online to see if the checks cleared this past 30 days (I have not reconciled the October bank statement yet) boss was asking these 2 employees if they've cashed their bonus checks from July yet...I then determined they did both finally cash them a couple weeks ago. But boss asked the one lady....why?! LOL!. Her answer: I was just saving it for an emergency. Boss's reply was "well, that's what savings accounts are for!". I told my boss I wish I was able to just let uncashed checks sit in my desk!

Then early afternoon I got a reply from support on my other program issue. A ridiculous "you need to contact your accounting software support". So, I forwarded it to great IT guy, he (I'm sure!) rolled his eyes and called me and we then ended up on an online chat with accounting software support, which was literally an hour of total ridiculousness. The person was so slow to respond and then guess what that person tells us? You need to contact your expense reporting company support. He ended up calling the expense reporting company support, with me conferenced in, and insisted on some damn help here. And what do you know, it does sound like it's a bug on their end. Boy, you'd think with what we pay a year to both of these companies their support would be much better. Every so often we get an email from our expense company "account manager" wanting to know if we want to meet (phone call) up and go over any needs we may have, etc. We never do, but just happened to get an email from him again Friday morning so my boss and I accepted the meeting invite. Very timely and he'll get an earful next Wednesday!

I received (timely!) the October invoice for mom's caregiver services and paid that this morning. So much nicer to not have to keep asking for it. That previous caregiver kind of falls into the category of those employees above - how the heck do you not keep track of your money and make sure you are get what is owed to you? Boggles my mind.

I see this morning K got my mom in the shower when she got her up at 7:30, rather than waiting until after breakfast. From the little video clips I could hear her having to talk my mom into it, of course. I heard her say "well, you always say that and then after you tell me that felt so good to get a shower". I guess that worked, haha. Then I saw her getting her laundry ready to do. I think she gets that going while the residents are at breakfast for the hour or so.

I have housework on today's to do list. I need to get that new mattress cover on the guest bed and remake the bed I now have all torn apart. We are having a windy day. I woke up to our wonderful windchimes just making the prettiest soothing sounds. It's very relaxing. Possibly getting some snow this afternoon. Just when I thought to myself the other day, boy we haven't heard that night time gun shooter for a long time, he let off about 3 magazine dumps Thursday night just before 10pm. And then yesterday, while I'm on my hours long phone call with IT guy, I had my phone on speaker and in my background is the damn neighbor's dogs (mostly the son's) barking non-stop - you know, the one they are supposed to put the bark collar on when they leave, but "ooops we forgot" as usual. After about a half hour of listening to that I texted dh downstairs and said "what in the hell is wrong with those dogs?" DH said it's just the son's dog, barking because they aren't home, as usual. Finally they stopped. Neighbors probably got back home.

Hopefully we don't loose power with this wind. I see it must have went off for a few seconds during the night. And of good grief - I decided to log into work just now. 1) to make sure my email is still working and 2) to do a couple of invoices I didn't get to yesterday afternoon. Now I can't open the accounting program. I give up!


  1. When I worked for a college years ago, I worked off campus, teaching and had little reason to drive 25 miles to turn in my paper copy of hours worked each day. But, occasionally, I would not get it mailed, so I would zip up there, go to office and turn my hours in to the secretary. Once, the secretary was at her desk. I apologized for being so late as hours were due that day. She scoffed and said I was one of the only people who actually turned in hours on time. I was shocked. Here, I could have been a day late all along and I rushed to get hours in to get paid! She said some did not turn in their hours for three months!
    Wind chimes drive me nuts. I cannot sleep or think with them going. I never understand the mindset of your gun and dog people.

    1. These windchimes have just the loveliest sound (very expensive gift to us). Everyone I have given them to as a gift say the same thing. My dd will often tell me hearing those windchimes I gave her is one of her favorite things.

  2. I don't understand people who don't keep track of their finances either. Damn! it can make such a difference, but hell if they are that stupid ....
