Thursday, November 10, 2022

Interest, snow and dogs

For my employer/job, the company's extra funds are in a money market account at the same bank we have our business checking with. It's a hefty balance of several million dollars. It's just been earning a lowly .5% these past years. Well, now that interest rates are rising, there are quite a few banks offering up to 3% interest rate right now. My boss told our banker if they aren't going to up the rate on the money market we have, then she's going to put it someplace else. They upped the rate to 3% LOL. That's a LOT of money earned each month in interest income - around $9000, compared to we've been earning around $750.

We got about 6 inches of snow yesterday and it's stayed cold, so it's still sticking. So pretty. I love seeing it out all our back windows. It makes me feel like a calm has just been laid over everything. DH is, of course, in heaven using his new plow. It moves snow like a boss! (it is a "Boss" plow, LOL). DH took this pretty picture last night from his phone

I'm getting my grocery order ready online to pick up tomorrow. I need to get our Thanksgiving turkey and they have the Butterball turkeys for $1.29/lb. For just the 3 of us, I would pick out like a 12 pound, but the size range for ordering online is 12-16, so they'd probably pick the larger size, but then I remembered when checking out you can actually put in notes for the person picking the order, so I'm going to put in that I'd prefer as close to 12# as possible. Thanksgiving will be here before I know it - 2 weeks away now.

I've been wanting a new and larger tree skirt for under our big Christmas tree. I want a (faux) white fur one. The cheaper ones like on Amazon have mixed reviews. I decided to order a nice one from Balsam Hill. It was regularly $169 (72inches), on sale for $119. I have the "Honey" app on my computer and it did is magic search for coupon codes and found one for $25 off, so I got it for $94. I did checkout through Paypal (where my paypal credit card is linked) and will get 3% cashback from there.

I received some mail from my mom's insurance plan about her getting her flu shot and when she does she may be eligible for $25 gift card. Well, she got the flu shot a couple weeks ago. A service came to where she lives and gave the shots and Covid booster to whoever wanted it and they said they were billing her insurance. I'll have to see if that happened and look a bit more into the $25 reward. LOL. My insurance company just sent me an email yesterday about finishing my profile and questionnaire and getting a $25 reward. I'll have to check into that one, too.

Mr. sent dh an email this morning about various things (they chat about local issues, etc) but he also brought up the dog barking. We can't seem to get through to them that when the dog(s) (usually it's plural, because when one starts in, the rest join) bark for a minute or so because their humans return home, or because someone pulls into our street, or their driveway, or because they see the neighbor boy get on/off the bus, that is NOT A PROBLEM at all. That's what dogs do and everyone knows it's only very short term. It's when they are not home, that their son's dog will just bark literally non stop the whole time. It's annoying at 5am and it's annoying at 3pm. For example last Friday I was on a conference call for over an hour and had to have my mic open so I could participate. For over a half hour there was non stop barking in the background, because neighbors were not home and left that dog able to bark the whole time. THAT IS A PROBLEM. Dh tried to convey this in his reply back, as nice as possible, but I told him we have been saying this over and over for 4 years. They just don't seem to get it. And we didn't bring up the barking last Friday during my meeting. We also didn't bring up to them the 5am barking fest - Mr. brought it up, so that is why dh replied the first time and told Mr it wasn't just at 5:45am when he got home that all the dogs barked for a minute- it was the whole time he was gone to the airport. DH also had to explain to him that we have zero issue if he's out there plowing at 5 or 6am. It's not a noise like constant barking. It's like a white noise from the quad running. We have zero issue when they pull in their driveway and the dogs are going nuts. Yet, that bother's them because when they get pulled in they are always yelling at the dogs to stop barking. If they (rarely) do start barking a lot when they are home, they always stop it right then because THEY don't want to listen to it...and they've only listened to it for a few minutes. Try listening to it for an hour or 2 hours or more. I really don't get why they always let their son dump these dogs off for lengthy periods. And this time they all knew Mrs. was going to be out of town for 2 weeks of it - why not just say "hey, we're sorry, but with mom gone for 2 weeks, the 2 extra dogs are just too much, especially since dad is gone a lot for his p/t job and other things he's out doing." But, at least this time around we have not initiated any of the complaining. We already told them last time we are done complaining about the barking issue, because it makes both of us feel like shit to have to text or email them about it.

It's now been a week with my work email issue...still not resolved.


  1. I wish there was a white noise you could play to only affect the dogs, so when it hits their ears they would stop barking. Imagine if you had loud music on every weekend for hours, non stop - they would hate it. The snow looks gorgeous, and I am glad DH is enjoying his plow! Cannot wait to see your Christmas tree!

    1. I was thinking the same thing. Mr goes to bed super early in the evening. What if we were always doing something making annoying loud noises for an hour or two - loud music, pounding on tools...noises like the train on the other side of the river going by, traffic, snow plowing is just a low humming noise, I don't find that annoying. Just magazine dumps of guns and non stop barking dogs haha.

    2. Would a dog whistle blown while Mr was trying to sleep with dogs in the house cause him to pay attention? How does he not understand they bark the whole time he is gone?
      It sounds like snowplow will be a great toy for your husband this winter. The snow is so pretty.
      For years, refused to buy a tree skirt because a sheet under the tree in drifts looks like Now, I would probably get a white snow skirt.
      Banks do understand money!

    3. We have said so many times that the barking that is annoying is only when they are not home, because it is non stop. I don't understand why they don't seem to get it. I like that idea of a dog whistle! LOL. Boy, the bank didn't waste anytime making sure the company's millions of dollars didn't go anywhere!

  2. That picture is Christmas card worthy! Beautiful but you can keep it. I'll be happy to skip snow forever. They leave barking dogs outside, but are annoyed when they hear them bark? Wow.

  3. When I was preparing my taxes a couple of years ago my accountant asked about money in the Swiss credit union. When I looked it up it was actually a negative interest rate in one of my Swiss banks. Isn't it great having to pay THEM to keep your money!

    1. oh my goodness - I have never heard of that before! Crazy.
