Saturday, November 19, 2022

A long day

It was after the end of my work day yesterday and I was still sitting here at my desk waiting for a call. A big ugh. It's related to my side job, that is going away at some point. They are working with the guy who wants to buy the business. I supplied the latest financial reports. Then I get a text Thursday evening from my side job boss that her dh (the company owner) is having a meeting with the potential purchaser and they might need to call me to answer some questions. ok, I said anytime tomorrow is ok. Then I get a message in the morning that it will just be the purchaser calling me later afternoon, after the meeting. Ok...Then at 4pm (3pm their time zone) I get a text that she just gave him my phone number. So, I assumed I'd be getting a call in a few minutes and almost an hour later I'm still waiting for him to call. I honestly have no idea what in the world I could contribute to what he needs to know to make a decision, LOL. He already runs a similar business, he already knows how it all works and he has their financial info now on how their business has been doing the past couple of years. It's the same business he already owns 2 offices of....he just needs to buy them out and merge their line card in with his business and probably keep on their sales people. I know absolutely nothing about their line card, customer base, projected business, etc. I just keep track of the money and record it in the right general ledger accounts. I am such a small part of their business, working on their stuff only about 5-6 hours a week.  Plus, everything I've ever heard/know of this guy is he's arrogant and thinks he's the greatest. I'm not looking forward to the call, haha. I'm really just getting to the point where I'm hoping he does buy them out soon and I can be done with this side job and take a break for awhile. Finally, a little after 5 I texted side job boss back and asked do you know if he was still planning to call today? It's after 5, for me, and I didn't want to go downstairs and get dinner started if he was still calling. She said "geez! He acted like he was calling you in a few minutes". She told me to not worry about it and she'll text him (he's actually a relative of theirs) and tell him to wait until Monday now. I was wiped out by then and was glad of that. I had started work at 7am and didn't take a break, so over 10 hours was enough for me for the day.

Very cold here this week. We're getting down to zero at night. It does look like it's going to start "warming" up tomorrow for next week. High's will be low 40's during the day. It's a sunny blue sky day today.

Not much else going on. I only have to work 2 1/2 days next week and then I'm not back to work until the next Tuesday. I need to figure out what day to start defrosting the 13 pound turkey. Sunday...Monday...probably Monday.

I'm glad it's the weekend, that's for sure.





  1. Waiting on someone else is always annoying. I tend to log in 6-7a.m., and log out 6-7p.m., but because of dogs, I need to take walk and bathroom breaks, and if lucky grab some lunch while working, but it still is 20 hours of work pretty much each day. I'm also supposed to get every other Friday off, but that's been only about 50%. I know the added money is probably nice, but if you can only do your job, that sure would be nice for you.

    1. Pre covid we had every other Friday as a half day, I really miss those afternoon's off.

  2. Hmm, sounds like losing the side job might be a positive actually doesn't it. What would you do if he asked you to stay on though?

    1. I really doubt he would ask me to stay on - he's already got a full accounting staff (actually it sounds like he's got that part figured out, wish my (f/t) company would have more of an accounting staff! But, if he did, I'd probably have to say no. He actually owns a competing company in my f/t job's area, so I'd have to probably say no, due to the conflict of interest.

  3. Defrost in fridge starting Sunday, defrosting in cold water starting Monday. ;-)

  4. I do the refrigerator method, too, but if worse comes to worst comes to worst, I resort to water.
    I doubt I would want to work for the new guy. He would probably keep you waiting all the time.
    It's in the mid 20s here at night, and I think that is quite severe for before Thanksgiving.

  5. TODAY! Start defrosting today!!!!! Although, you CAN, if it doesn't fully thaw, (which, if you put it in the refrigerator TODAY, it will), you can (so I am told) start roasting it if it's still a bit frozen...start at a lower temp... and tent with foil or use a roasting bag. But why put that to the test? Get that bird out of the freezer today. -*Sincerely, Someone who had to send her husband to the supermarket on Thanksgiving Eve for a fresh turkey one year, because she forgot to take out her own turkey in time to defrost by Thanksgiving.*

    1. Oh, I did get it out Sunday. Depending on the size of the bird it seems to be between Sunday or Monday. But last years smaller bird seemed to thaw faster than usual, which was why I was contemplating waiting until Monday
