Thursday, December 1, 2022

Side jobs and snow

I guess the word has gotten out on "the street" that my side job company is selling. My f/t job boss called me about it yesterday. She didn't know if I knew about it or not, but she mainly just wanted to make sure I did know, since it will be a loss of income for me and she didn't want me to get blindsided if the side job owners hadn't told me about it yet. I told her side job boss did give me a heads up a couple months ago this might be in the works. Boss asked how I felt about it (knowing I'm losing income I've had for a long time now) and I said I'm ok with it. I've had some notice and it will be kind of nice to not have to deal with it anymore. I also said I never expected it to last as long as it did, so it's all just been bonus income these past years. While it will be an adjustment, I'll be ok. Her other concern was if the new owner would want me to stay on, that would be a conflict with my f/t company........I said from my understanding they do not need me and if by some chance they did want me to stay on, I knew that I could not, due to the conflict of interest. So, we are all on the same page with it all. Plus, it does sound like that little side job my f/t boss is hooking me up with is going to happen. It won't nearly make up the other lost income, but it will help and probably be an extra $200-$300 per month. It's just some light bookkeeping for a very small non-profit organization. 

Also in my chat with my boss, it sounds like we will be getting some bonus for the end of the year, it just has not been figured out how much, but she said she told the company president to get on the ball with a decision by the end of next week so it's not a last minute fire drill to get all the bonus's calculated, entered and checks cut, like it always ends up being for her (and me).

It has been snowing non-stop since yesterday morning. A couple times I woke up during the night it was just dumping down (dh likes to leave the back patio light on when it's snowing, LOL). Since I've been up it's just a light snow. DH shoveled and plowed twice yesterday and he's already up and at it this morning, since we got so much last night. Here's a short action clip, LOL

Mom was pretty "relaxed" last evening. After dinner she spent most of it in her recliner and around 7:30 or so she put her chair in front of her door, so I knew she wasn't planning on going anywhere, LOL. Then she went back to her recliner and fell asleep around 8pm. When it was getting close time for me to go to bed I decided not to call her to tell her to put her nightgown on and go to bed. She was already asleep in her chair (with lights off) and I didn't want to disturb her so I just let her be. With the lights off the camera doesn't always catch motion, but at some point she did go in to bed and slept, but of course in her clothes. But, I guess I'll have to take that situation over her wandering, at this point.


  1. The machine clears a very wide path!
    Sleeping in her clothes is very benign compared to wandering. I would take that, too.

    1. That's what dh likes so well with this new snow plow - it makes the big job so much easier and less time.

  2. That video is so pretty. We've got nothing here yet!

    1. it's kind of early for us to get this much snow
