Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Christmas recap

We had a really good time with dd and sil over the almost 5 days they were here. They left this morning about 8:15. Much better roads going home than getting here. They had snow all the way from their house to our house coming over. This morning it's raining and roads are much better. They got here Friday about 3pm so we had that afternoon and evening together. 

Saturday I made the breakfast that our friends sent as the gift basket. Bacon, pancakes and real maple syrup. DD and I made some candles with a candle making kit I bought. They turned out good and cute. We also started on a Christmas puzzle that we finished up last night. Dinner was homemade pizza's I made. 

Saturday/Christmas eve we visited, worked on the puzzle, just hung out relaxing. For dinner I made spaghetti. Then we opened our gifts (we always take turns one by one). I got some new tops, a new jacket, ear buds, some canvas wall art dh had made from some pictures, a domed serving tray (like to put cookies under) and a few other nice things. One of the things we gave sil was the two Top Gun movies. We hadn't seen the 2nd one (they did) and it came with a digital copy we could stream so we all watched that Saturday night. I enjoyed the movie. Christmas morning breakfast was the fancy cinnamon rolls I had bought and scrambled eggs.

Sunday thru Monday morning was the 24 hours with mom. After we dropped her off we went over to Sportsmans Warehouse as sil wanted to look for some gun stuff. Then we went to Harbor Freight for some tools dh wanted. Then picked up my grocery order. We grabbed lunch at the Wendy's drive thru and headed home. Last nights dinner was turkey dinner leftovers.

I plan to take a much needed nap this afternoon!


  1. Well deserved nap! I'm doing a turkey dinner on January 8 the when my out of town kids are here, late Christmas. I'm looking forward to it and the leftovers. I'm glad your daughter will have safe roads traveling home.

    1. We ended up with plenty of leftovers so 14# is a good size for 5 of us

  2. It sounds like you had a full house and a good time. Talking about the lights and stairs--my friend's mother visited her and stayed in a child's bedroom upstairs. My friend refused to leave a light on in the bathroom, so the mom tried to get to the bathroom and mistakenly turned at the stairs, fell down them, and broke her arm. Of course, that was a trip to ER and all the rest. The mother was spry, not suffering from any dementia. This was just an accident waiting to happen. I had the same configuration at my house, as one child had to pass the stairs to get to the bathroom. However, I left a light on in the br every night and had begged my friend to do so for her children's sake. After the broken arm, she "wasted" money on leaving the br light on every night.
    When she said something about 'being close," she was wandering if you and she were close, as in affection or relatives. (last post)

    1. I'm glad I left all the lights on that night. But still too scary to think about. I was trying to get out of her what she meant by "close" in relationship or distance. I was thinking relationship and then she asked when I moved out and why. I said well, I was 19 and and adult, so it was time to move out.

  3. I'm really sorry your mother's visit was so fraught for you. We had my Fil and Mil for his 80th to our house 100 miles distance and although he was frailer than her he was delighted with the weekend. She was on edge the whole time, terrified they would miss the train home. Although her dementia wasn't diagnosed then it was obviously the beginnings. One thing different with your mother; she is much more accommodating still; her comment on possibly moving in with you was to say she could give it a try!
    I'll keep my fingers crossed that a place in memory care comes up soon - then you and the family can enjoy being with her when it suits you without the extra worry for her safety. X

    1. If we lived in the city it would be easy to just bring her over for a few hours and take her back, but being 50 miles away is too much driving in one day, especially on a holiday when you want to be at home enjoying it, not spending 3 1/2 - 4 hours in the car. I'm sure next year we'll just have to drive in and visit with her for awhile and then go home.
