Sunday, December 18, 2022

Good cookies

Alrighty then! The sugar cookies turned out well. Finally. When I was growing up I remember making these with my mom every year. I never recall her having any issues like I have almost always had. She still made them every year after I grew up and moved out, so in my early adult years I never made them myself because we always had her cookies, LOL. Later years I started making them off and on, with little success, but I do recall some years they turned out fine, because I always gave a plate to our "good neighbor" (who dh still chats with on the phone every few months). 

Finally, with enough flour on my floured cloth laid down, I was able to cut them without sticking. And then they actually baked without flattening/poofing out and you could actually still recognize the shape. Yay! Either way, they've always tasted yummy (they almost melt in your mouth) but I don't like to give them away when they look wrong. The recipe is with powdered sugar, not confectioner's.

So, I got the whole batch made up and texted a picture to dd that I finally got the cookies to turn out. She replied back "good, now you can do the same thing next week". I'm like "wait.......what?! Her reply was "well, I want cookies at Christmas LOL". Ok, ya, she's probably right. By the time I give some to neighbors and we keep munching on them this week, there probably won't be any left by next weekend, LOL. I'm really going to try to put them in a sealed container and keep some for next weekend. I really do not want to make these again, LOL.

When I got them to turn out I was thinking of my mom and how she always made these and they always turned out. I'm sure when she's here on Christmas she won't remember these cookies anymore, but maybe a little part of her brain will remember, even if she doesn't realize it. The funny part is when she was here Thanksgiving overnight and the next morning I put the plate of breakfast in front of her she remembered that she used to have these plates. It was nice to have a minute of conversation to say yes, you did and I always loved them and was so happy when you passed them on to me and I still use them every day.

Today I will make rosettes. Much easier for me and more enjoyable. I never tried making these until last year. And these cookies so remind me of my grandma, because she always made these and I would often get to help her. My grandma was so sweet and mellow. I'm a lot like her in the mellowness (not sure about being sweet LOL). I'm lucky I got to have her in my life so long, as she lived to 95. I was 49 when she passed away. I asked dd to make the white chocolate bark stuff she made last year that was so good. It's just white chocolate, pistachios and cranberries and she said she would make some and bring with them.

I know I'm going to jinx this 100%, but the hyper dog has not been seen for several days now. More than likely it's just an explanation of something like they've been gone most of the weekend or something like that, rather than them actually making sure he's staying on their property, but the little break from the dog has been nice. I can imagine Mr and Mrs Neighbor are enjoying the peace from not having the hyper dog getting their dogs all riled up a couple times a day, too.

I came across a Netflix show I've been watching the past couple of days. "Life after Death with Tyler Henry". I used to watch Long Island Medium quite a bit years ago. I don't know why these people fascinate me so much, but they do. I don't even know if I can totally believe it, but apparently I do, LOL Anyway, something to watch and keep me entertained for a bit. I'm also finding his backstory with his mom and her "adopted" mom pretty interesting. Crazy story.

Ok, time to get some breakfast in me, then in the shower, so I can start making the rosettes. I made sure to have enough cooking oil on hand this year for it!


  1. That was a sweet moment with your mom at Thanksgiving. I'm on the search for krumkake for my son to save for January 4th. I don't make it and my mil no longer does.

    1. I had to look up krumkake because I wasn't sure what it was, but they do look familiar and I wonder where I've had those before.

  2. Jre The one thing I’m scared of is trying rosettes but I bought the iron set this year so here it goes. What type of pan do you heat the oil in? I’ve thought of an electric skillet but don’t know where mine is.

    1. I was scared at first too, but it turned out really easy and pretty fun, to me. My grandma always used an electric skillet too, but I don't have one so I just used my deep big frying pan and it worked fine. It was just a bit of a learning curve on the first few, getting the oil temp just right but it's easy to figure out if it's too hot or not hot enough and then once it's set you're good to go. Good luck!

  3. I want to try rosettes, but have no idea what you are talking about. Tell me.

    1. Here's a link to a picture/recipe. It's a swedish cookie made with a batter and a hot iron and oil in different shapes available.
