Friday, December 2, 2022

Not a fun morning

I've had literally a crappy morning. Mom had a huge "bathroom accident" right when she woke up/got up this morning. All the way from her bed to her bathroom (carpeted). The assist. caregiver is on duty today and she came in right as mom was apparently just trying to clean herself up. She got her in the shower and called K....who happened to also be there in the building, because they are so busy now, she was helping with other residents. She came in and tried to clean as best she could, but obviously couldn't do much with the carpet mess. She called me and I said I'd call the office to see if it's something their housekeeping could treat with carpet cleaner or if I had to come in and do it. I didn't realize how bad it was.

I called in and got the general manager....boy she sure doesn't know much of anything! She's the one who called me earlier this week about mom wandering Monday night and I mentioned I have called to put her on the waitlist for the memory care place and she says "where is that?" um...2 buildings over from yours....I know other of their residents have transitioned on to this place, how does she not know the name of it? Then this morning I ask her if this is something housekeeping can take care of and she says she doesn't know, I'll have to ask so and so when she comes in at 9. How are you the manager and not know how your place operates? Anyhow, I got ahold of the other lady at 9:30 and she said, no, they won't clean up bodily fluid type messes. Makes sense. So dh drove me in and I took in the 3 bottles of carpet stain cleaner I have along with this scrub type brush. OMG! what a mess it was. TMI you don't need, but it took me almost an hour and a half to clean it best I could and I'm sure I'll still have to call a carpet cleaning service to come in. Mom thinks some dog must have made the mess.......the only good part was that I got there right as mom got downstairs, to wait for lunch, so I got to do the cleaning without her there. K did come in with her clean laundry right after I got there, so I got to meet her in person finally and we had a good chat.

The memory care place emailed me a "waitlist document" to fill out and send in with a $500 deposit, so that is going on the mail tomorrow! Hopefully we can manage until they have an opening.


  1. Gratefully, your mother's condition won't allow her to be responsible or embarrassed. A dog? Okaaay! Maybe you need to put a carpet cleaner on a retainer. I hope you get your mother moved soon.

  2. Sorry to read this.
    I hope you can get her in to the assisted living asap.
    Hang in there :)
    Your snow video was neat. (a post or 2 before)

    1. it's such a hard thing to watch her decline and lose who she is. Lots of snow, that's for sure!

  3. Gosh, I know how that feels, had my Mom here for a couple of years before she went into a care center. They don't know, my Mom would take off her diaper in the night and sling it around. That is when I waved the white flag. Called the Sis and said I can't do this anymore, cleaning up everthing, washing all the bedding everyday was to much for me.

    1. oh gosh, that is when I would have waived the white flag too.

  4. Accidents happen. To all of us. I remember not making it to the bathroom once when I had a stomach bug and I had to grab a throw blanket so that I wouldn't soil the floor all the way to the bathroom. Wasn't fun to clean up. Hopefully you can mive your mom to the other place soon.

    1. I hope it doesn't happen again before I can move her

  5. That manager sounds pretty useless doesn't she - or maybe she just doesn't want to know! I'm so sorry you're all going through this (including mom)!

    1. I thought she was the manager and then after her saying she wasn't familiar with the memory care place, I thought oh, I must be mistaken, she can't be the manager....but yep she is.
