Tuesday, December 6, 2022


Another uneventful day. I'm going for uneventful in my life right now. Hopefully by this time, in a few months, I'll have mom cared for in a memory care place and not be worrying about her on a daily basis. I called her last night around 7. The past several days or more I have either been talking to her morning or afternoon. She was still of the mindset that she's staying "somewhere for awhile and will be going home in a few days". I just agree with her now. K is also just going to start having her get into her nightgown at 6:30 when they give her her meds. The past couple of weeks, more often then not, mom is either sleeping in her clothes in bed or in her recliner. She did try the nightgown routine Sunday night and that worked. Last night she did not and mom slept in her clothes all night in her recliner, so she's going to start having her get her nightgown on going forward.

Ugh, I went to bend over this morning and a pinched nerve in my lower back. I just used my foam roller thing and did some light stretching, so hopefully that fixes it.

I think neighbors DIL and kids went home, her car isn't out in front of their garage this morning. I guess the reason she stayed longer than originally planned (the son left Monday because he had to go do a month overseas or something) is since her dh won't be home for the month to help her, she stayed longer. Plus she's able to do this now, because she is homeschooling the oldest two, now. I'll bet money she didn't take her dogs with her. When they dumped the dogs off 6 weeks or so ago, he didn't know then he was going to have to be overseas for a month. I guess their older dog (the big one) is going blind. I'm not sure how old the little dog is, but they've had him at least as long as the big dog.

Ok, well the cat is trying to catch the cursor on my screen, so it's hard to see what I'm typing, LOL

Hoping for another uneventful day.


  1. Uneventful, boring, is good compared to the excitement of my life...lol. I suppose your mother has passed the 'wearing my nightgown" phase. But, it is the least of her/your problems right now.
    The nerve problem is probably tied to your habit of sitting a lot for your job. Maybe exercises regularly will keep this from happening. Even five minutes twice a day would probably keep this problem from happening.
    I wonder how little she actually teaches. Is there crying and screaming at school. How does she even manage? Rhetorical, of course.

    1. I'm sure my back is from sitting too much. I've wondered the same rhetorical question, LOL...how does she teach the 2 older boys with the 3yr old twins screaming constantly? I'll take the wearing of clothes vs nightgown and sleeping in the recliner over the other issues any day. I do feel better knowing I now have a plan in place for memory care, even if it is going to take awhile to get into it.
