Friday, December 30, 2022

Friday this, that, and the other

It's supposed to be vacation/no work this week, but I had to do about an hours worth of work on my side job yesterday morning. Ugh. Their CPA wanted the latest info through that usually post everything once I have the bank statement at the end of the month and then reconcile to that. So, I had to enter all of December looking online at the bank transactions. I've done as much as I can do and sent it off to him. I'm sure it has something to do with the new owner taking over Jan 1st.

DH took down all the inflatables in the yard the past 2 days. Well, he took them down on Tuesday and blew them back up in the garage and shop to help dry them out (it was raining, of course) before he can put them back in boxes, which he did Wednesday. He hasn't taken down the lights yet. I'll do the inside putting away this weekend, maybe start tomorrow. I did start some Wednesday with washing and putting away Christmas bedding and taking all the throw pillow covers off. I put away all the kitchen Christmas decor yesterday.

I had mailed the gift cards for K and C to K's business mailing address over a week before Christmas. I told dd it was kind of strange not to get a thank you text from her (mostly so I know that they received them). As soon as someone sends me a gift card I message right away a big thank you. My boss sent me a $100 Amazon card that I received in the mail Tuesday and I messaged her a thank you. Anyway, yesterday afternoon I get a text from K with a big thank you for the gift card. Maybe she just doesn't get her office mail very often, but I'm glad to know the cards and gift cards got there.

DH has been wanting to get this big 4'x6' rubber mat (it's a horse stall matt). He found one online at Tractor Supply and sent me the link. I told him that it shows no shipping, you can only pick up at the store. The store is actually about 10 miles south of the city, so not super convenient. We have been there a few times over the years, but not in at least a couple of years. When we were in the city after taking mom home he thought about going to pick it up but with 4 of us in the car and a full load of groceries in the back, he decided the big mat wouldn't fit this trip. Yesterday morning, with the weather dry and had finally stopped raining and some sun out and roads dry he wanted to go get the mat and I had also recently mentioned that one of these days we need to stop at the flooring/carpet store to pick out some carpet for the bonus room, as they are only open Mon-Fri.

Well, as the gate is opening for us to leave dh realizes young neighbor guy apparently "attemtped" to plow the slushy stuff that was all over the road from the raining and snow melting the previous couple days. He left a nice 8" high berm/ridge of snow all across our driveway/gate entrance, which of course then froze solid. So, now we have this big ice berm to drive over. Dh was so mad. He's like never in a million years would I plow and leave a berm across someones driveway! Never! To try to plow ice is hard on the plow blade and also hard on the asphalt. Plus in front of our house and in front of Mr.'s house the street is 2 lanes (it goes back to one lane starting just past our house). Dh and Mr both keep all the snow plowed/pushed all the way out to the edge of the street. The other neighbor pushed the icey slushy crap (which then froze when the temps went back down) and left half of it about 3 feet out from the edge of the street. Because young neighbor works full time and leaves early and doesn't get home until like 5:30 or 6pm Dh has pretty much always just plowed the whole street down to them. Otherwise they just rarely plow, they just drive over and thru the snow, making this rutted narrow path to get out. So all these years dh just makes a few extra passes up and down and keeps it plowed and wide enough for a them, deliveries and garbage truck. There is a culdesac down there and dh always keeps that all plowed so the delivery and garbage trucks have room to turn around. And now with the new snow plow it's even easier for him. Even the state snow plow struck that goes by out on the main road does not leave a berm of snow across the entrance to our road (or anyone's road or driveway along the road). When they get to a road or driveway they turn their blade straight so it doesn't leave berm to have to drive over. Same thing when we lived in town, the town snow plow guy did not leave berms in front of people's driveways. Just common sense and common courtesy.

DH has finally decided he's done plowing the whole street past our house (young neighbors live down at the last lot). He's only plowing from our property line out to the entrance from the main road (unless Mr has already gotten out there and done the first part of the street/entrance as he is the first 2 lots, we are the 3rd). We'll see if dh holds to his new plan next time it snows, but I doubt it, LOL. I have repeatedly told him over the past few years, especially when he had our little quad/plow that it was really wearing out to plow the whole street, to stop plowing past our house. It's not our responsibility, but he tries to be the good neighbor and it doesn't get reciprocated back in any way.

So, we are almost to the city and dh says where are we going first? I said I assume you want to go get the mat first? since it's at Tractor Supply and then do the carpet place on the way back? He's like all confused..Tractor Supply? isn't that down past the city another 10 miles? I said yes....the link you sent me to the mat was for Tractor Supply so I assumed that's where you are getting it. I guess he got TS and another farm supply store mixed up and thought we were going to the one right in the city. So I looked online to see if they had the rubber stall mats and they did, so we went there. Since we were there I decided to get a big 50lb bag of chicken scratch as I'm getting low and also got another bag of pellets feed and some coop bedding. Now I am really stocked up and it was at a much cheaper price than I've been buying online (just lazy lately and buying online instead of going to the farm store).

The guy that we worked with/owned the flooring store retired a couple years ago so it's a new guy running the place who helped us. Or I should say me, LOL. DH has no clue what to get and he'd pick out something ugly anyway, haha. So, I picked out a berber low pile type I liked and the guy is coming out next Wednesday to measure the room. 

After we got home dh worked with a big regular garden shovel with metal blade to get the ice berm out of our driveway. Kinda hard when it's frozen solid to the asphalt. And good thing he did because right this morning it's been snowing and sticking and if that berm was there it just would now be a couple more inches higher with the new snow added. The bigger it gets and frozen solid like that, the harder it is to remove and before you know it we are trying to drive over something a foot tall! Sometimes dh plows from our place out to the street entrance before Mr gets out there and dh has never ever left a berm across their driveway. He said it takes like literally an extra minute of his time to make one more pass with the blade in the right direction and clean that up. Or he has a snow shovel on his plow and hops off and shovels it out of the way. And when plowing all the way down to young neighbors driveway he has also never left a berm there, he always cleans everything up. So, with the snow we're getting this morning dh will likely have to plow today and we'll see if he sticks to his new plan. Any bets? LOL

My new ipad is supposed to arrive today. Yay! I'm so excited. I picked out a case for it from Amazon but haven't ordered it yet. I'm still just picking out stuff to use up my gift cards balance on and will order all at once. I may change my mind on something so I am waiting to order it all at once. I sure am enjoying these days off, though I think if I was retired now I'd be a bit bored, so I'm glad I still am working.


  1. Strikes me your DH is very considerate of your neighbours - particularly making sure their access is clear. Your neighbours (are these "wild dog people"), not so much!

    1. yes, it's the wild hyper dog people. Plus they both have lived here all their lives, it's not like snow plowing and how to do it is new to them

  2. I hope your DH does not go out of his way to be kind to these inconsiderate neighbors any longer. They sure do not deserve his kindness. Enjoy your mini vacation.

  3. Someone is going to complain about you complaining.😂😂

  4. I would be embarrassed to leave a berm like that unless I did not like the people. I imagine your husband will keep plowing the correct way and for them. Quit complaining!

  5. Our snow plow driver leaves a break regularly across our driveway. We don't get it. We already get the pile up in ourvfrintbyard,so the last of the grunge stays in our yard( plus the salt and sand remnants) and then doesn't make sure to not block people in to their driveways. Tough call for your husband, but his time and wear and tear are worth more than the aggravation and lack of appreciation.
