Monday, August 23, 2021

Yard work

We got all the new plants planted. DH was cooperative and let dd shovel some rock into the wheel barrow to put in the bottoms of the whiskey barrel planters. He also let her dig out the dead plants with the shovel while he pulled them out. We got the barrels filled up with excess dirt from pulling out the dead shrubs and then filled up the rest of the way with potting soil and I planted some mum's in them. We set these on each side of our front door. I'm not going to like having them there (and too heavy to move) when there is nothing to plant in them! They will look ugly. My plan is annuals in summer, mums in fall. Some fake poinsettias during holiday decor time. Not sure about later winter/early spring yet. Maybe I'll get like a fake boxwood to set on them until it's time to plan annual flowers again. Or maybe the fake boxwoods would just look fine all year long. 

The 3 shrubs I bought were all good sized and look nice. Just hoping they live! We also replaced the small plant in our island in dog's memory and replaced one of our little grassy shrubs on the side of the house that didn't make it.

The big rope dh had ordered to finish off the little bridge arrived just before he went into the hospital. DD helped him get those attached. I like the rope look. The original plan was some wagon wheels on each side, but I'm still trying to deal with Tractor Supply to get the replacement order.......what a joke. I should have brought the old ones with me on Saturday and dd and I took the extra 15 minutes to drive to the little town Tractor Supply is in and returned them and got my money back and just told them to cancel the replacement order that has never arrived.

Today dd and I are just sharing my office and working. She will help dh if/when needed, if he decides to do anything outside, though we are thinking the yard will not need to be mowed until tomorrow or Wednesday. Maybe even Thursday. The plan is he can do the riding part, she will do the push mower part and help him empty the bags on the rider. She also told me that while we are gone to dh's dr appointment Wednesday morning she will mop or vacuum or anything I might need done.


  1. PRETTY!!! Do mums come back there? I know they are perennials, but I've never gotten them to return here in the PNW. (They threatened to eat me alive in the southwest, though.)

    1. thanks! I'm not sure if they come back here. I always thought they were annuals. I guess we'll see! I'm guessing the winter weather will do them in, haha.

  2. Your home is stunning - but I see your husband behaves like most men who have just come out of hospital!!! Thank goodness your daughter is such a great help!

    1. thank you! I guess he is a typical man when it comes to illness and taking care of himself.

  3. I love mums. Perfect for the Fall.
    The bridge is so cute & the rope is perfect. I like the look.
    It sounds like your dh is behaving. He's outnumbered now so that probably helps.
    I hope his check up goes well.
    Your dd is a blessing:)

    1. I have always wanted to get mums for fall flowers and never have.

  4. Mums are the best. They were my grandma's favorite fall flower. She had every color in her little garden. When I come back from vacation, I should get myself a pot. Your DD is wonderful. Hope your DH's check-up will turn out fine. Take care and be well!

  5. My humble opinion, an dit is worth not even two cents is to skip the wagon wheels and keep the simplicity. The birdge is so cute. good to kow your DH is showing some sensibility an dnot overdoing-or too much overdoing.

    1. I agree, and the ropes were super easy to add. The wagon wheels would have been much harder because he would have had to add hand rails accross.

  6. What a good friend and helper your dd is.

  7. I love the bridge; he did a great job. How long is it? It's hard to tell from the angle of the picture. It's good the two of you did not have to overpower him to get him to You can take mums into the garage and put them back out in the spring. It is hit and miss here as to whether they live thfHe did

  8. The bridge turned out beautifully! If you're looking to add a little something to it, a simple "No Fishing " sign would be super cute and easy for your dh to make.Glad he is doing better.

    1. oh that is a cute idea! He has a router and could make a sign
