Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Good update

DH finally got to come home today! I got to pick him up around 11:45 this morning. We had to stop at the pharmacy and get a 4 prescriptions picked up, but it wasn't more than a 10 minute wait. They had already called in 3 of them and the 4th they us to take in. I didn't ask but it now looked like maybe they were allowing visitors (of course) as they didn't have the door kept shut and didn't have the table set up to check people in, like they had. He needs to follow up in a week at the hospital clinic and then has an appointment with a specialist to follow up on the pancreatitis.

He's very tired and worn out. He did take a shower after he got home, put on fresh clothes and crawled in bed. I think he's asleep now, finally. I'm sure it feels so good to be in his own comfy bed and pillows. Pup is by his side, of course.


  1. This is wonderful news. I am so glad you are all back together.

  2. Good news indeed. I'm sure you'll help him manage his prescriptions.

    1. 3 of the prescriptions are "as needed", which is easy so far. He's only "as needed" one, one time

  3. Great news! I believe, it easier to recover at your own home and in your own bed. Relieved for you too. I know exactly how terrible it is, not being able to see and talk to your loved ones when they are hospitalized.

    1. it's got to feel so much better in your own bed. At least I was able to communicate with him regularly. I can't imagine how hard it would have been not to be able to do that.

  4. Really happy and relieved for you both. x
