Sunday, August 8, 2021

It's just wrong

Dh and I looked at all the pictures in the listing for the 2 neighboring lots. Seriously, if we were trying to sell our home, those are the kinds of pictures we'd have showing! Of the approx 19 pictures, 15 basically show our house/property and some include our other neighbors on the other side of us (the ones with the dogs). So, the realtor and seller get to use our nice homes/properties as their advertising? DH called the listing agent up yesterday morning and very very politely said he wasn't happy that so many pictures of our house was showing up. While he understood a need to do maybe one overhead shot to show the neighborhood, not 15. We are not the property for sale. The agent was very nice and said yes, he was trying to show the nice neighborhood, but he did probably get a bit carried away with all the pictures. DH also said that some could easily be cropped to remove our property from the listing. The agent said he would do this and called back about 15 or so minutes later telling dh he adjusted the listing. It does look much better. Now there is only one overhead drone pic of the neighborhood and one looking from the entrance of our street on down, which shows us and our neighbors house. DH feels better, but still we are annoyed that some one thinks they have the right to capitalize on the effort and money we put into something. The agent kind of alluded to he did it (like a favor to us! LOL) to attract high end homes to be put in. Dh said, well, we have the covenants to basically take care of that......

When we were outside yesterday Mrs Neighbor pulled in her driveway and then came over for a chat. She knew the properties were for sale but hadn't looked anything up on them yet. She about fell over when dh told her the price, LOL. She agreed that there didn't need to be a bunch of pictures of ours (and hers) houses. I had really figured we'd at least see a few drive in during the day yesterday to take a look and we didn't see anyone. DH had sent the out of state owners of lot 6 a message on Facebook (they are not FB friends) saying he just wanted to update them on our neighborhood if he wanted to give dh a call and our ph#. No call and I'm sure this guy has seen the message. From his Facebook activity it looks like he practically lives on FB! People are strange. And it's not like he's never met dh..when they bought the property dh chatted with them for quite a bit that day.

Good thing dh got all his outside yard work done yesterday as today it is pouring rain. Thank God. We so need it around here, that's for sure. I'm going to try to make the chocolate zucchini muffins today. By the time I got done vacuuming (I only did the downstairs), mopping, and changing sheets on 2 beds yesterday (and other chores) my back hurt too bad. So, I took a nap, let it rest, and back to normal when I got up.

No responses to the 2 messages I put out, inquiring about my dad's ex-wife #4. Not sure what happened to my half sis.....she was all over it with me/texting last Friday and Saturday the weekend before. I asked her to send me a pic of his divorce certificate from wife #3 and she was busy at the time, no big deal, and would do it later. I haven't heard from her all week now. They are getting ready to have a modular home put on their property, so she's most likely just super busy with all that, but usually she is really good about following up, even with a quick text to say she's busy, she'll message me later.


  1. I'm glad you got the pictures of your house removed from the listing.

    1. I was just going to email the agent, but then dh called, so it all worked out.
