Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Waiting to hear

I don't know anything yet on how dh is doing this morning. It's not even 7am. I figured no calls last night was good news. He did text me right about my bedtime that they put him on oxygen. I asked why and he said he didn't know and I said it must be because of the pain meds. A couple hours later he texted me that yes, that is why. The pain meds must have been working some, haha, as some of his Facebook comments weren't quite spelled right or making complete sense. He was getting quite a few direct messages from friends, so I think that probably helped keep him busy and his mind a bit occupied. 

Hopefully no complications come up and he starts healing and feeling better in the next couple of days. Apparently the most common cause of pancreatitis is due to drinking alcohol and dh said the dr kept asking him how much he drinks. None! I guess he finally believed him, because when he called me he didn't ask if he drinks. When I asked what causes this he said, well, most often from drinking, but since he doesn't drink, it's not that. Then I said, no, he doesn't drink.

In great news - DD called day before yesterday as her promotion at work came through. She's doing same job, just bumped up to the next "level". She had no idea what the salary increase will be. She was thinking she'd just be happy if she got another $5k a year. Then one of the senior managers was congratulating her and said "you must be happy with the significant pay increase". DD said she said well, I haven't been told how much it is! LOL. She was telling me this when I called her about dh and said what do you think "significant" means? I said my guess was $10k more. Not too long later either her direct manager or that manager (I think that lady was her boss's boss) told her how much her raise is...................dd called me and said she was still shaking.........she got a raise of $25,000 per year!!! From $67k a year to $92k. DD said she doesn't even know how to process that in her mind, haha. She has worked there less than 3 years and now makes more than her dh, haha. She's almost doubled her salary from the company she first worked for out of college. My guess is they will probably start looking for a new house, haha. I know at some point they'd like something with a little more property, at least on an acre, rather than in a housing development.

As I'm typing this dh just texted.  He said it was a pretty bad night. The pain meds are only lasting about 2 hours and they can only give him every 4 hours. But, he said the nurses and doctor are very kind. He said they are doing blood draw again to check all his levels. I guess the enzyme level in his pancreas was off the charts yesterday. It's supposed to be like 30 and he said the nurse told him his was 500. He said they just gave him some more pain meds so he was going to sleep some more, so I probably won't hear from him for a bit now.

And as if yesterday wasn't stressful enough, it was payroll processing day. Thankfully, I had gotten most of the issues resolved on Monday. I think in the back of my mind I had a feeling dh was going to get sicker. I was able to get it done fairly quickly first thing yesterday morning, while he decided what/where he wanted to go get checked out. Then I was ready to submit, but the stupid system was blocking me with an error message about a new employee, so while I was at the hospital waiting, my boss got that part taken care of, then when I got home that afternoon, I got it submitted. My side job payroll is due today, but I went ahead and got my side job's payroll (which is very quick and easy to do) submitted yesterday, too, since who knows what today will bring.


  1. Aw man, poor dh. I hope they get him sorted out soon. Congratulations to your DD, what an AMAZING pay raise!!! Hard work paying off for her :)

    1. DD said she started crying when she saw the amount of the raise in the email. She kept saying "no way!" LOL. Pretty good for only 25 years old, I'd say.

  2. I'd say she's doing well. I'm sorry your husband had a bad night. Maybe meds will kick in today.

    1. I'm hoping he'll start to show some improvement today.

  3. I hope, your husband will start feeling better today. It takes a while for the inflammation meds to kick in. And a huge CONGRATS! to your DD. It is indeed a great raise. Wonderful achievement!

    1. from what the dr told me, it sounds like the only thing they actually give him to reduce the inflammation is IV fluids, to flush him out. I think the only medication he is getting is for pain management, but not much improvement so far.

    2. I thought they would put him on anti-inflammatory drugs but, I am not a doctor although, I wanted to be one at some point in my youth:)

    3. interestingly, the dr said one of the causes of pancreatitiss can be from high doses of anti-inflammatory drugs

  4. Congrats to your DD! She must be beside herself. That is fantastic for her.
    I hope your DH starts to improve. At least he is where he belongs. I hate that the hospital has to cut visitors.

    1. DD is over the moon happy. Yes, I'm glad dh is getting care and treatment where they can keep an eye on him. If he was to do it himself it wouldn't happen!

  5. You've got a lot on your plate at the moment, getting your job done on time while waiting for news from your DH
    Well done to your DD, sounds like she takes after her mother where work is concerned! x

    1. She's got a great work ethic and a great attitude.

  6. Congrats to your daughter! That's an amazing increase! I do hope your DH starts feeling better and is released soon. Will treatment require any surgery if inflammation doesn't subside? Such a shame you can't even visit.

    1. I don't know about surgery, nothing has been said yet if that might be needed. Dr. just said if he gets worse, instead of improving they will have to transfer him to the bigger city hospital for care

    2. My son had pancreatitis when he was 16, so painful and was in the hospital about 4 days, no drinking or high anti inflammatory use and they thought it was probably viral. Luckily nothing since and he’s 31. It was and still is a mystery. Hope thing’s go well.

    3. it sounds so miserable. I'm glad your son hasn't had any more problems

  7. I hope your daughter is proud of herself. She should be. It is great she is doing so well at work. She must be good at what she does.

    Hopefully, your husband will be out of pain soon. I have heard that pancreatitis is brutal.

    1. She is so happy and proud. I've heard from a few others who have had it and say it is awful pain.

  8. Oh my, what a roller coaster ride you're on - but your daughter's news is wonderful!
