Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Hospital stay

DH hasn't been feeling well since about last Thursday. Some pain in his lower back on one side, then both back and stomach. All aches, slight fever, chills, and some other symptoms the past couple of days. We thought maybe kidney stone? He agreed to go to ER earlier today. We just went to the small hospital in town. I had called first to make sure they could test there for that or did we need to go to the city hospital. The nurse said bring him in, they can test.

But, they wouldn't let me inside, due to their Covid precautions implemented again. I went and waited in the car for an hour and a half and then the nurse called me and said he was going to have a CT Scan and it would be another 2-3 hours, so just go home and wait. About 2 hours later the doctor called me and said he has pancreatitis! Well, not good, of course, but at least we have an actual diagnosis. I swear every time he has ever gone to the dr. they never know what is wrong with him. Doc said they are admitting him and pumping him with iv fluids and pain meds for at least 2 days. Some people take longer to heal, to get the inflammation down.

And I can't even go see him while he's there. At least they have wi-fi and he can text, so he's keeping busy so far. Said the pain meds aren't really helping much, but sounds like pretty strong stuff he's getting. Ugh. I just got back from taking him his phone charger. The lady I dropped it off with used to work where my mom lives. Small world.

Hopefully he gets better fast and no complications.


  1. So sorry to hear this. My husband had pancreatitis five years ago, caused by a gallstone blocking the pancreas. First he had an endoscopy to remove the gallstone, and the next day they took out his gallbladder. He has been fine ever since.

    My husband's aunt has chronic pancreatitis, which she manages by watching her diet closely.

    Hope they can manage his pain quickly and he comes home soon.

  2. UGH! Sending prayers for a fast recovery.

  3. So sorry about his hospitalization. The pain must be incredible! Can they give him more pain meds? Can they let him visit with you via zoom or whatever? It must have been hot sitting in the car, but you probably keep the ac on like Tommy does.

    1. it sounds like it is pretty awful pain. They are giving him some strong pain meds. We can visit via facetime on his phone and we can message/text. He was able to log into the hospitals free wifi. Thankfully when I was sitting in the car it was only 68 degrees out and a nice breeze with the windows down, but by the time I went home, it was starting to get too warm.

  4. Oh your poor hubby! Thankfully I've never had it but I understand it's VERY painful. I hope he gets better soon!

    1. thank you. that's what the dr and nurses told him, that is very painful to have.

  5. Sorry to hear about your husband. Wishing him a speedy recovery. Hopefully, once the inflammation starts to get better, the pain will be more manageable.

  6. What a worry. Hopefully you’ll have him home with you very soon. Take care of yourself too. xxx

    1. Thank you. I'm hoping he's on the mend and no complications come up. It's probably a good thing I can't visit him as we all know how exhausting sitting in a hospital room for hours can be.

  7. Oh no!! Sending positive thoughts and strength to you and DH.

  8. Best wishes for a good recovery for him.

  9. I'm sorry to read this. He must be miserable. I've heard that can be very painful. Good thing is he is being treated. 🙏

    1. It sounds like it's very miserable. One of the nurses told him she didn't know how he made it through the pain the first several days when it got bad
