Friday, August 13, 2021

Frustrating day

It's been a very frustrating day. With dh texting me this morning that he wasn't doing well again, to his not texting me for hours, to unanswered questions, and to not understanding what they are doing with his meds today.

Once he started feeling bad early this morning, he needed to start having the pain meds again, of course. Yesterdays treatment, which seemed to work very well, was a half dose of the dilaudid as well as a very small dose of fentanyl at the same time. He said it was explained to him that the small dose of fentanyl was so that is quickly takes the edge off, so the half dose of the dilaudid isn't having to work so hard.

So, a whole new day crew on shift today. The nurse is not giving him the fentanyl with the pain med, like yesterday. He asked why and she said she couldn't give it to him with the dilaudid still in his system. He's like ? that's how they did it yesterday all day. So, so far today, he has had no fentanyl.

While this is going on, I'm at home waiting and waiting for him to text me an update! A couple hours go by. Then the lab calls to tell me his Covid test was negative. I text him this info, see he reads it, but he doesn't text me back. What the heck. I wait like a half hour and send him a text "what is happening?"  Finally he reads it like 45 min later and still no response. I wait 5 minutes and call the hospital to ask for an update. They tell me a nurse will have to call me back. So, while I'm waiting I text dh again that he is freaking me out, not answering me, and that I'm waiting for a call back to find out what is going on.

I ask if he's on same pain meds/schedule as yesterday and she says yes, she has fentanyl on the orders, too (but at this time I didn't know she wasn't giving it to him, because he wasn't communicating with me). He finally starts texting me. He's totally fed up with this nurse/day shift and says just screw it, I'll wait until night shift comes back on and figure my meds out (I'm assuming he's expecting the good nurse he got again last night). I ask for the doctor to also call me and she said yes, the dr said she is going to call you today, but she's busy working in the clinic right now, so it won't be until like 5pm. I ask if the phone consult with the specialist got done. Yes. It sound like when that happened he was starting to do better so it was just "ok, watch his vitals". I asked why, after feeling so good all night, he would have a fever, aches, and hurts to breathe? She said it's just part of the pancreatitis.

Just a new update from dh. He's miserable. When they give him the pain med every 2 hours he asks for the fentanyl too. He said he's asked them several times why change from yesterday and he wants an explanation and they just keep saying they will ask and then don't tell him anything. It's after 4pm so I just called and talked to same nurse and asked if his meds order got changed from what they were doing yesterday. No..ok, why isn't he getting the fentanyl? well, it's for breakthrough pain. I said yes, and he's been asking for it all day and it totally worked for him yesterday. He was very comfortable all day. She said she'll have to ask the provider....OMG. She just told me earlier that fentanyl was still on the med order. and if it wasn't and he's asking for it then ask the damn doctor why and tell him why or why not.


  1. Damn!
    What a mess. You would think/hope with those medications everyone would be on the same page. Geez

    1. the nurse today totally messed up, even dr said so.

  2. Eeek. I can't even begin to figure out what may be happening. He had an order for a med., but it wasn't dispensed???? You NEED TO TALK TO THE NURSE MANAGER. *%&8 a bunch of seeming rude. Demand it.

    1. I honestly don't even know if they have a nurse mgr, LOL.But had along chat this evening with the practicioner he had today (and Wednesday) and expressed my concerns

  3. How long ago was your trip? I can see why they keep testing him for COVID - perhaps the virus is attacking the pancreas instead of his lungs? Nasal passages may be clear of the virus but maybe not the rest of his body. Sure, could be unrelated to COVID but does make you wonder...

    1. We got back 22 days ago. The reason the dr told me she did the deep swab, in addition, was just to make sure, as sometimes the rapid doesn't work right. They do not think this is related to covid at all, I think they just want to make sure he doesn't have that too

  4. I can understand your stress and see the source of it. Have they done a blood test for covid or covid antibodies? Let us know if you hear anything more today.

    1. they do blood test daily, but not sure if covid is part of what they look for? He has had 2 negative covid tests, so they do not think that he has covid, nor probably any reason to test for antibodies for it.

    2. This just seems so like Covid but the tests are what they are…. I couldn’t remember if he got vaccinated. I do not mean to offend you or anyone else and this is not judging but with this crazy Delta changes I would wish people would get vaccinated. This is just my personal opinion as a RN. I hope he feels much better soon.

    3. Pancreatitis is a common problem for people long before Covid came into our lives. This isn't caused by Covid, but if he does end up with it, he'll have gotten it while in the hospital. I think the dr just wanted the testing confirmed so that they knew they weren't dealing with both issues.

  5. Maybe a nurse manager is a charge nurse in US.

    1. I had a long chat with the provider last night. Since it's such a small hospital, she's kind of in charge of what's going on when she is on duty.

  6. This is frustrating both for you and your DH who is in pain. I just cannot wrap my head around why the nurse does not comply with the med orders. I am sure you are freaking out but, hang in there. If your DH does not do any better by Monday, may be you can push the system to move him to a better equipped hospital with specialists present at the premises. Do not buy what they tell you. I am sure if push comes to shove, they will figure out a way to put your husband in a better facility.

    1. yes, they must have a way to transfer when push comes to shove. If I had originally taken him into ER in the city, I'm sure they would have admitted him there, no problem.

  7. I think I would make the trip there and talk face to face with who ever is in charge. I'm in PA and our numbers are higher than yours and when my daughter had minor surgery this month her husband was there.

  8. That was a great update. Hopefully now the nurses won't make him wait for pain meds and read the chart and follow orders.
