Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Moving in the right direction

There was no MRI done yesterday. I finally heard from yesterday's provider (I don't want to always say doctor because half or more of them are PA-C's and one was an NP). I can't even remember what time it was she called, sometimes after dinner, as I was watching some news. They had decided to do another CT scan later that afternoon.

I told her that the provider I talked to on Friday evening said she was putting him on the schedule for the MRI to be done on Monday, when the mobile unit would be there. If by Monday he was doing better and didn't need the MRI, they could just cancel it. She said well, there wasn't one on the schedule, so she didn't know what happened there.....someone dropped the ball. And if down the road it turns out he does have a gallstone in his pancreas and should have had this test I'm going to be really mad.

His CT scan was still showing some inflammation, but negative for necrosis, abscess or cysts, which is what she also wanted to check for. His labs for yesterday were better than Sunday. As they keep saying, this is just going to take time to clear up.

At 7:30 last night she decided to try giving him an oral pain med (oxycodone) and see how he did with that for 2 hours. If pain then they will go back to the dilaludid via iv. I'm not sure, but at 9:30 he must have gotten some more LOL. His texts weren't making a whole lot of sense, but he was happy, LOL.

I just texted him to see if he's awake and how he's doing, what is going on, but he must be sleeping. And another different provider today. Today it is the doctor (yes a real one) who admitted him last Tuesday. Guess we've made full circle. Must be nice to have to only work one 24 hour shift in a week, eh? Makes you wonder if these providers work at the other small hospitals in the area to fill in. I just looked at the provider directory of the small (though bigger than ours) hospital in the county  north of us and the provider who was on Saturday and Sunday (an ARNP) was on their list, but he actually isn't on our hospital staff directory on the website, so he must "moonlight" at our hospital on weekends.

Ok he just texted me. Doing ok, a little upset stomach/bowels this morning, like yesterday morning. He's still on the oral pain med and he thinks it's every 4 hours now instead of 2 so that is heading in the right direction. His BP was good all night. Let's hope for a continued improving day.

I received a delivery of a couple of decor items I ordered. Some pillows for the church pew. I think they are pretty cute (and easy to change if I want something different later on) and the dried pampas grass for the tall vase I got to put on the fireplace hearth. The pampas grass is supposed to fluff out more in a few days, as it gets all squished in shipping. I had read in the comments to set in sun 2 hours to fluff out, which seemed to help a little, but of course still nothing like their picture, but I still like it.



  1. Your poor husband, he really is being put through the wringer isn't he. I hope he starts feeling better soon. And I have to say I just LOVE your floor! It is so pretty!

    1. he sure has. He's probably got a bit of a road still, but at least some improvement going on.

    2. oh, and thank you on the floor comment! I really like it, too. Dh says he's not loving it, but I think he really wanted hard wood. Just not in the budget and not good with big dog(s) scratching it all up.

  2. You sound more settled today. Sounds like dh might have turned the corner; I do hope so for all of you. xx

    1. better today, so far. It's so frustrating when they won't communicate

  3. The pillows are perfect. Looks great. The pampas grass might still fluff out some more but it looks good. The pew just belongs there.
    Your husband's recovery is slow but going in the right direction. Do you know how much weight he has lost?

    1. The pillows were $10 (clearance, I think) and I'm hoping the pampas fluffs out a bit more. The amazon listing for it says it does in a few days. I don't know how much weight he has lost but I'll bet it's quite a bit. He could stand to loose a good 25 pounds anyway. He had gained back what he lost during the house build.

    2. several people have said same thing that the church pew looks like it was made for that spot :)

  4. Sounds like your DH is doing a bit better. I guess it will take some more time than we all wished but, knowing he is on track to recovery is a great thing. Hang in there!

    1. that's what the keep saying, just going to take time

  5. It's great to hear some really good news. Hopefully, things will continue in this direction. I would still want the MRI. I think ultrasounds can find stones, too. The bench and pillows look very nice, just right for your house. What kind of floors do you have? I love the look.

    1. the dr said usually it's done with ultrasound to check for gallstones in the pancreas, but they don't have that and since the MRI was going to be there on Monday, she would use that to check. The floors are a wood look laminate

    2. Yes, ultrasounds can find stones...that's how they discovered mine, during a pre-natal ultrasound with my third prgenancy. I had none of the risk factors (not fat, not fair, not over forty.) My OB/GYN figured he'd scan the gallbladder for the heck of it, when I complained of pain when his nurse touched the area to prep me--pain which had been written off for over a decade. ("Goes with the territory," or "Stretch more before you run.") Both he and the surgeon who removed my gallbladder said my case was the worst they had seen--the stone was larger than the normal gallbladder! I would suggest that you push for the ultrasound.

  6. I hope he continues to improve. I feel bad for him and your waiting for answers.

  7. When I first heard "pancreatitis," since he doesn't drink, my mind immediately went to gallstones/gallbladder issues. I would have thought they'd have looked for that immediately, either via an ultrasound or MRI. I hope they can pinpoint the cause of his misery, and treat him sooner rather than later.

  8. I think that the time for guessing has ended. Get him to a hospital that has ultrasound and MRI. ASAP No place is too far to save your husband's life.
