Thursday, August 19, 2021

Not taking it easy

I guess dh has decided he's back to normal. He mowed the dang lawn! He only did the riding lawn mower part, but still!!! I was so mad. He also wasn't listening to me on anything else of taking care of himself, so I finally just said "ok then, let me know if you need anything, I'll be upstairs working" and walked out of the room.

Then the GI specialist office dh has been referred to called to set up his appointment. First off, you'd think they'd have already picked a day/time before they called, but no, she has to ask me half the same questions some other lady from her office asked me yesterday. Then says well....our next available appointment isn't until Nov 4th! I'm like well, that's probably not going to be much help with any of this by then! So, I called back the lady at the hospital who was trying to coordinate these referrals and she said oh my! She will tell the doctor about it when she is back in tomorrow morning and see what she wants to do. Said the dr will probably have to call the specialist and tell them this is urgent, at least more urgent than almost 3 months.

I have an iphone 6 so it's a pretty small screen. With my old eyes I'm finding that to read stuff on it I keep taking off my glasses and read it close to my face, LOL. Last night I was looking through the settings (for something else) and came across a zoom view setting. Everything is bigger now and I don't have to take off my glasses now, haha. 

DD is coming over tomorrow so should be here later evening. She's working until 1:30 and leaving then, plus loses an hour with time zone change. She's planning to stay until next Thursday.


  1. I am not surprised that your DH mowed already. He's a man! lol

    1. I thought he might at least rest one more!

  2. Sometimes, you have to let a guy just do what he should not and wait for it get to him, all against a woman's/wife's better judgment. It is sad and not right, but true. However, I fight against the same things. My ex was even begging doctors to operate on him for gall bladder in the middle of the night after he had rejected help for months. But, as long as he could walk, he swore he was okay.

  3. Back on the mower days after lying in hospital did make me smile.
    I suppose the fact that he's doing that does suggest he is getting better.
    Maddening for you though! x

    1. It probably does, but he doesn't have an off switch so he's the type that will end up back where he started with all this.

  4. Typical man. My dad had to have his gall bladder taken out. It happened just as moose hunting season was getting started. My dad is an avid moose hunter. He asked the doctor when he could leave and the doctor told him he had to wait until he got his staples taken out and had a follow up appointment in a week. He walked out of the hospital after his follow up appointment and drove 5 hours to the hunting camp. Nothing was going to stop him from going moose hunting

    1. From what I've seen of hunters around here, that sounds about right LOL.

  5. Well, I'd be happy about that - it means he doesn't need a nurse! ;-) Can't tell these men anything - he'll probably feel like crap all day today & you'll have to hear about it. Gah!

    1. That's pretty much what I decided yesterday. Doesn't need a nurse and I let him be.

    2. Men are all the same mine was in serious motorcycle accident brain bleed fractures in skull and more kept him down to til he cleared dr, then it was out to mow lawn. he makes me so mad but what can you do with stubborn. Glad your dh is home. Joyce

    3. Stubborn and stupid, but like you say, what can you do?
