Saturday, August 28, 2021

Wait and see

The follow up with one of the hospital providers at the clinic,yesterday, wasn't too much info. She explained the ultrasound sludge results. Said best to follow up with a specialist and I said we are, he had an appointment with the GI specialist on Wednesday. She didn't realize he had already gotten in to see one. Basically, the specialist will get the ultrasound results and do the endoscopy and see what he thinks. The endoscopy got scheduled for 9/23. Just down the corridor from where he had the ultrasound. He told her he is still very tired and no energy. She said that they say it takes 3-4 days for each day of hospital stay to recover all the way, once out, so she would expect him to be tired for awhile. She suggested a multi vitamin and a 2000 iu Vitamin D daily.

She did say that the blood work they did while he was in the hospital showed his cholesterol was good. We both at the same time were like REALLY?!! that was a huge surprise. At one time 6 or so years ago his was up over 300. His dr put him on simvastatin and that totally made his muscles ache even more. Then tried Crestor and ended up reducing the Crestor to like 5 mg or something very low. He took that very expensive med for a year or two. After we moved here and he went for a checkup with a town doctor she said it was still somewhat high and wanted to increase the dose. He explained to her why he wouldn't/couldn't, that he had already tried that. She still put the prescription in at full dose. I called and talked to her nurse and both were just being turds about it. Said she wouldn't prescribe it for the dose he had been taking it, so he told her then he's not taking it. The pills are too tiny to cut in half. So, I guess all these past few years of no fast food (rarely now) has helped, along with he did lose some weight compared to what he was before we built our house.

We've been trying to fill in our island area with pine cones, around the trees and plants. DH sent neighbors down the street a text last night that said will pay top dollar and otter pops for a wheelbarrow of pinecones (they are everywhere on the 3 vacant lots) delivery by a smiling kid, haha. I think he will be finding pincecones and delivering a load today :) I'm sure he will be tickled to have a paying job.

DH thought that maybe the reason we didn't get the toll road bills in the mail was because his truck permanent license plate still had our old PO Box from a few years ago. We stopped in the court house yesterday to check and she said no, when he renewed his drivers license a few months ago those registrations updated in their system, too. There are 2 ladies that work in the vehicle licensing/title part. One was helping a couple, who from the sounds of it, had recently moved to the area from Oregon. As we were leaving dh said to me have you ever noticed that people from WA and OR always want/need to give your their resume? haha. ya, it is true. Almost everyone we meet from there, that are now here, are like that. After that couple left, the other lady came over and chatted with us. (DH is also friends with her husband). When we left I said well I guess we are "locals" now when we know the people and can stand there and chat/catch up with them, haha.

I finally got my annual check up scheduled for next Wednesday afternoon. Let's hope I can keep it this time.



  1. I live in can take months or years to get bill. I personally would call the main office and yell them you want to pay
    They can look up information.

    1. I was able to enter our license plate and state in their online system and see what we owed and pay online. When dh went to Texas almost 5 years ago it didn't seem like it took that long to get the bills, but maybe it did.

  2. Waiting for a month for an edoscopy is a long time but, I guess it is what it is. I am hoping that the specialist will give you better information on Wednesday. Your husband has been doing a ton of work while building and after so, I guess that is also something that must have helped his cholesterol. An active lifestyle they say, is important. Have a Great weekend!

    1. The GI specialist said he wanted to wait 4-5 weeks to do it because the more calmed down the pancreas is (at least he's hoping it will be) the better/more they can see with the scope

  3. For your husband's cholesterol medication, would it have made a difference if he took the larger dose every second day instead of every day? Not sure that would work but it seemed he didn't need it anyway right!

    1. that's a good idea. Seems like that dr could have suggested some kind of solution, but she wasn't listening to him.

  4. I took three or four cholesterol meds and they all made me hurt all over. I quit them all. I had the tiny one but I have a pill cutter that would cut it. However, I did not continue with it, either. And, my cholesterol came down. No one can bully me into taking a med that makes me feel like I am dying.

    1. I tried to cut it in half but it would just break apart. That 10 mg of Crestor was so tiny to begin with. We figured even it it wasn't helping him 100% to lower it all they way, even if it was helping some he should take it, but a higher dose made him hurt even more all over than he already does.
