Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Tackling Tuesday

DH is still not feeling the greatest. Still having some pain. Hopefully between the 2 doctors appointments and now an ultrasound added, something will get figured out. The hospital clinic person called yesterday and said the dr he is following up with on Friday (here in town) would like the ultrasound done to double check for gallstones, so that is good. But, that of course, got scheduled for Thursday morning, at the same time I had rescheduled my annual check up for. So, I had to call my dr office back and cancel yet again. I decided I will wait and schedule my appointment once I know more from his appointments this week if there will be more and when. Sure as shootin' if I make myself another appointment something will come up.

So, we have to drive into the city for an 8am appointment Wednesday. Then back to another place in the city on Thursday morning for a 9am appointment for the ultrasound. The ultrasound is at the same place I had mine done a few years ago for my small breast lump, so at least we know where to go. Friday is here in town at the hospital clinic.

We've been expecting some toll fee invoices from Texas and Colorado for using toll lanes while on our trip. Both dh's pickup and trailer license plates were purchased as permanent plates, so it's possible those still have our old PO box address. Not sure if we ever updated those. And we weren't sure if the cameras would pick up the truck plate or the trailer plate. Finally, I figured out where to look online and enter our license plate number and state. We owed Texas $30 and Colorado $40. $40 just for going through Denver one time, for 15 minutes or so. The Texas tolls were both ways. What a ripoff.

When I got up this morning the temperature outside was 37. Last night dh said it might get frosty (I figured they meant a bit higher up than we are), should he somehow cover the new plants we just planted? I said no, if they were still in their pots at the garden center, outside, no one is going to cover up all the plants, LOL.

DH is planning to mow the lawn today. He keeps saying he can do it all. DD keeps saying she can help. I keep saying that's what she came over here for. He is so stubborn. We've been under a stage 2 for fire, which means no lawn mowing after 1pm. Well, with the rain we've had the past couple of weeks. the temps in the morning and the dew on the grass, plus we (and neighbors) water our lawns regularly so they are nice and green. Well, it's still too wet to mow in the morning. Mr Neighbor was getting annoyed. He's like all's I'm doing trying to mow in the morning (and our lawns need mowed) is flattening the grass down! Sunday he said screw it, he's mowing in the early afternoon. Even dh said there is no way to mow now in the morning. It's not like our green (ie not dry) lawns are going to catch on fire from the lawn mowers. I can understand the rule for mowing dry hay fields, etc.

Here's another picture I took of the little bridge from a different angle.

Here's a picture I took while walking back from the mailbox this morning. Our neighbors right side of fence) had planted grass seed later last summer and this summer it's come in nicely. I think it looks so much better than just the natural grass they had there before. I think having the nice green lawn on both sides compliment each side nicely.

I told dd the other day I was taking bets on how soon dh would start drinking Mtn Dew again. I said Tuesday (today). Last night he says "maybe a Mtn. Dew will give me a little more energy". I just rolled my eyes. He didn't have one, but I'm sure it will be soon......


  1. Toll roads are the WORST! But $40USD for a drive through a city? That is bonkers, I drove on tolls twice in July and paid $42 Canadian for two separate trips. I am surprised it was not more!!

  2. Ultrasounds really aren't good for finding gall stones or issues with the gallbladder. Your dh needs a HIDA scan. I would demand it if I were you. Do some research. Hugs!!

    1. it's to look for a gallstone in his pancreas, not gallbaldder. We are seeing a GI doctor tomorrow so will see what he says.

  3. Oh! You should see some of the toll roads and bridges we have. I avoid them like the plague. Driving longer does not burn all that much gas. But, USD 40 for 15 minutes is a ripoff.

    1. I know they charge out of state higher tolls, but we are also wondering if we were charged higher because we were also pulling a trailer.

  4. I had the HIDA scan for gallstones. The bridge is so cute. I love that perspective with the rocks and such. It's beautiful. He did a good job. I can just see him objecting and talking about Mt Dew. When Mama was sick (cancer) and insisting she could load the dishwasher, I would close the kitchen door, be very quiet, and sneak and work while she napped. I am sure he would hear the lawnmower.

    1. not to mention it would take numerous instructions on how to start and operate the john deere tractor LOL. From what I read the HIDA isn't a test they use for pancreas.

  5. I love that bridge. Just love it.
    The mtn dew will make or break him.
    Poor guy. His recuperation will take a while.
    That green grass is gorgeous.

    1. I'm loving the bridge, too :) We tend to landscape over time, adding a little more every year as we think of things.

  6. Tolls are what they are. They probably boast about lower taxes comparably for roads than nearby states. Road maintenance has to be paid somehow so I guess they figure let those that drive and the out of Towner's pay. Both seem excessive though, but not sure how long you were in Texas. I'm cranky today about people knowing what they can do to be healthier then ignoring. My husband included-heck, myself included. I'd lose patience with your husband after the crap of hospital stay and now multiple doctors visits if he insisted on mowing and starts with Mountain Dew again.

    1. We drove past Denver coming home. About 15 minutes worth of time, LOL. Texas we drove through to and from. We didn't do any driving of our truck while we stayed at friends, they drove their vehicles when we went places.
