Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Tuesday this and that

If I happen to get a reply back from this guy who's mom was married to my dad, then I'm going to ask about a child she may have had in 1971. What if he doesn't know about it? If it were me, I would definitely want to know (and so would my sis) if my mom had a child I didn't know about, but maybe some people are different. But, he and his sister were like 6 and 8 when their mom was married to my dad and would have had this child, how could they not have some memory of this? They were at an age they also probably could even remember my dad a bit. I still vaguely remember the step dad I had in my mom's 2nd marriage and I was only aged 6 when they got divorced (my mom has married 3 times).

When my dad divorced wife # 4  the record shows he lived in a town in a county neighboring their hometown/county. She lived in their home town/county. BUT, the divorce was processed in a 3rd, different nearby town/county. I wonder why? Plus this town/county where the divorce was finalized is mainly an Indian reservation town/county. Again, I wonder why it was filed in that town. Why wouldn't she just file in the town/county the divorce record show's she was living in at the time? Just a little thing that makes me want to find out details, LOL.

Anyhow, I'm probably pretty much at a dead end with it, for the most part. I'm really leaning towards the theory she gave this child up for adoption. Based on their marriage date and dad saying a child born 7 months later that would put the birth around March 1971. The counties they were married/lived/divorced in are all small populated/small towns. I can find several birth records of children born around this time in these counties, but none with her listed as the mother, even when I just put her first name in only.

We lost our power for 3 hours yesterday afternoon. No idea why, as we weren't having any storm. I had just been about to submit a quarterly city tax return for work when it went out, due that day. I told dh it better come back on by midnight, as that was my deadline for filing on time, LOL. 

I can't figure out why my Walmart app won't let me check in anymore when I get there to do a grocery pick up. It has not worked like the last 3 times. The first time I clicked on the link in the text I got that my order was ready and check in if you are on your way it took me to the app, but wanted me to sign in my Walmart account and I didn't have my log in info with me. I fixed that when I got home, but the last 2 or 3 times, it still has not worked. I keep having to call the phone number on the sign. It used to be I'd click on the link and it would take me to a page where it either tracked me how far I was away or once I pulled in it would say you've arrived and I would tap in my space# and color of my car.

I decided I'd better add me to the AAA plan we got before our trip to Texas. I had just paid for it for DH to be the driver, since he only drives the truck (especially pulling a trailer), but as I was driving my car into the city Saturday I thought what if my car breaks down (it is getting old)? DH has no way now to come pick me up, since his pickup is not working. So, for like $14 I added me and I feel better now.

It's so foggy this morning I can't even see the river.  I'm reading a good book by the same author who wrote The Martian (made into the movie) called Project Hail Mary. If you like science fiction, it is good. It does have a similar feel as The Martian, where it's a lone guy (for the most part) in space.


  1. Have you tried uninstalling & reinstalling the Walmart app?
    I would definitely want to know if my mother or father had any other children.

    1. while I was waiting for them to bring out my order on Saturday I uninstalled and reinstalled it (I had the log in and password with me) and it still didn't work. Maybe I accidentally changed some setting on my phone where it's not letting the app track where I physically am

  2. I am really interested in whether you find this woman. lol Nosy me. I am sure the answer is out there somewhere. My insurance give me roadside service. AAA is so slow getting help to a car. Maybe it is faster in your state.

    1. I'd love to find out who this child she had is! I'm sure roadside assistance is even slower here, LOL. But, better than nothing.

  3. The man you're writing about isn't named Sheldon is he?

  4. AAA memberships are so worth it - even if you use it only once a year! We buy a membership for my nieces every year. ALL women should have one, I feel! Just for piece of mind while on the road (especially if alone).

    1. I paid for half the membership just getting the discounts on our hotels during the trip. That is a great idea to give as a gift!

  5. Aaa is a nightmare! Ifyku are outside your home area or “in between” their office area at hey can’t effectively help. We always had it until we blew out a tire on a road trip (with two small kids in the minivan on the side of a multi lane highway, amd we were on hold and transfered for an HOUR. Finally a trooper helped us get to the closest tire place. Totally useless when you actually need them!

    1. that doesn't sound good! Luckily we didn't have to find out while on our trip and now, if needed for some reason for my car, we'll be close to home

  6. Have you done the Ancestry DNA test? That would show if you are kin to a mystery person that you dont know. Might be worth doing it.

    1. I haven't, but might do that as a last try, if I don't hear from this son of the wife #4

    2. My husband discovered another whole family from doing his DNA. His Grandfather was married after DH Grandmother died and no one knew it. There was another family kept secret for years.

    3. lots of family secrets coming out nowadays, I'm sure!
