Sunday, August 29, 2021

A little weekend update

DH took it easy yesterday. Neighbor boy did bring 2 loads of pine cones in his little red wagon. He's so cute. A couple years ago he was so afraid of dogs and didn't say a word. Now he loves dogs and talks up a storm, haha. He started school this past week. I can't remember if it's pre-k or kindergarten he's in now.

We've been watching to see if the listing for one of the lots changes to pending, after that couple spent that hour or so looking at it, but nothing yet. Gosh houses are being listed for insane amounts around here. Stuff that 5 years ago, when we were looking, was half what they are asking now. We are very glad we got over here when we did. We couldn't have afforded what the prices are now. Even our little house in town, we bought for $161,000. Zillow now has it at $352,000. Housing double in the last 5 years, but my salary sure hasn't! 

From being at the hospital we also saw that the lot next to our old house, on the corner, got sold and someone is starting to build. Looks like right now they are building a small shop in the back and living in an rv. They are all just very small 9000 sf lots. Someone told dh that the people who built a house on the other side of that awful renter we had also now bought the 4 lots on the other side of the street and plan to build homes to sell. It's going to get crowded there, now, LOL.

DH is still feeling really tired and can't figure out why he keeps getting sweats and chills during the nights. We mentioned it to the provider on Friday, too. Again (just like the specialist) no suggestion as to what could be the cause. He was saying last night he's so tired feeling. I joked "welcome to my life with no caffeine" . He says is this what it's like? I said pretty much.

I got the guest bedroom bedding washed yesterday. Got my grocery list started, for picking up when I'm in the city on Wednesday afternoon. I don't feel like I really did anything yesterday, but I kept busy, LOL. I did text with my half sister awhile in the afternoon. Her 2 daughters and her son in law have Covid. They all went to an outdoor wedding last weekend. Sis said she only went to the ceremony and then took her grandson home to spend the night with her. She also briefly saw her 2 daughters earlier in the week. So far sis doesn't have any symptoms. My Facebook feed seems to be filled with people having weddings and showers this summer.

We are having mild nice weather now. It was actually pleasant to sit on the front patio last evening for a bit. We took a little walk partway down our street (dr told dh to walk a bit) and some car drove by on the main road super slow and the lady practically had her head hanging out the window looking back at our house, LOL. People do that all the time. The speed limit is 60 on that road and they either practically come to a stop or drive by super slow.

DH will most likely mow the lawn today. It's been since Tuesday and ready to be mowed again. I need to get my flowers and shrubs that the deer like sprayed with repellent. I just had some more delivered and also use the Miracle Gro I bought for the rhododendrons. I should probably get the chicken coop cleaned out, too.

I just remembered I'm also taking the Tuesday after Labor Day off, so it will be a nice long weekend next weekend. I should probably have my mom out here for a couple days.....but I'm so dang tired. I guess I have a week to decide. Also, with dh so so tired, I just think having her here might be too much right now. She's exhausting to spend a lot of time with. He's really good about chatting with her and listening to her ask the same thing over and over, but right now I'm sure that's the last thing he feels like doing.

Still no hospital claims showing up on dh's insurance yet. His new insurance starts on the 1st, so that will be better going forward, even though so much more money in premiums each month. Like I keep telling myself, I was able to save $24k the past 4 years, when he didn't need any medical care, rather than putting that all to premiums for care he didn't need. Now, we're in the phase of his life he's going to need to use it, so time for the better insurance.


  1. I wonder if your mother has any sense of how long it has been since she has been to your house? I think chills are not a good sign, at least they never are for me. Sitting outside when it cools off is a special pleasure, even needing a coat or blanket.

    1. No, she really doesn't anymore. Things that she doesn't do on a regular basis she has no concept of how long it's been now. She will often say "I haven't been to the doctor is a really long time" and we just went 2 months ago.

  2. House prices are ridiculous in Switzerland (Geneva) and about one quarter of that here in France so I'm so glad my son moved back into France when he did or he would never be a homeowner. That being said, they are predicting a crash at some point but how big of a crash - who knows. I do hope your hubbie is feeling better now though!

    1. I keep hearing it's going to crash too and I imagine it will at some point. Glad you son was able to get his own place to own.

  3. House prices are crazy ridiculous EVERY.WHERE. It's insane! But before anyone decides to put their house on market, they'd better be sure they have somewhere to go - that's a huge problem right now - they sell before securing their next residence, get outbid numerous times & often left with no place to live (needing to rent, for the time being). That's a scenario we've really never seen before! Glad you got in when you did & don't plan to go anywhere!

    Hope they can get your DH's condition figured out sooner rather than later.......keep him extra safe with this COVID going around, he's probably extremely susceptible to getting it in his condition right now.

    1. What I don't quite get is these people selling because they think they are going to make a bunch of money now, but where are they going to go/buy? Whatever they need to replace it with costs the same.

      Other than going to the doctor appointments we are just staying home and away from others (as usual!).

  4. Just curious, but what is the going rate for a kid with two wagons of pine cones? And, did he get otter pops, too?

    1. Well, dh didn't check our cash situation before hiring him, LOL. Was going to give him $10 but both of us only had $20 bills. He also got a strip of otter pops. His mom texted dh back that he over paid him by $19.50 LOL. DH said hey - the kid used his own equipment, that costs too and it was worth it to see his smiling face.
