Sunday, August 15, 2021

Keeping steady

As I was pulling out our driveway yesterday morning to run into town for groceries, our retired friend pulled up. DH had texted him he was in the hospital. He was driving by and saw me pulling out of the garage, so stopped in to see how it was going and get more details. As with most people's response (mine included) they really don't know what pancreatitis is.

DH had a good day yesterday with some small improvement. He got to start (slowly) eating some ice chips. He said they were the best tasting thing ever, LOL. They took him off the iv fluids while he was doing that. Later in the day, his bp was up (an indication the ice chips are too much for him) so they stopped and put iv back in. But, they are doing a good job administering his meds and he's comfortable. He only had the additional fentanyl in the morning yesterday and none since, that I know of. 

There was a lady working there (not a nurse) and dh realized his tshirt wasn't in his room (remember they changed rooms due to the a/c issue a few days ago). He asked her if she could see if his t-shirt was still in the other room. Long story short, he and she ended up having a hilarious laugh upon realizing that his plain white tshirt left 2 hours ago with a patient discharged and on his way home to Washington! She said she was so sorry, she had asked around and the guy said it was his. DH said that's ok, it's just a white shirt, but if it had been one of my favorite racing tshirts you and I would have been on a road trip to WA to get it back! haha.

He had a good night last night and said he slept more than he has been. The dr had now (after Friday) had ordered them to administer his pain med on time and every 2 hours, no matter what. He said he didn't even hear her come in a couple of times. At 2:30 am he woke me up with a text that said he just got to have a lemon ice drink and in chatting with him first thing this morning he did good with it. Apparently the ice and drink can cause pain and bp to go up, so if it does, then he can't have it again for awhile.

He was quite chatty yesterday and apparently figured out how to type with an iv in his hand because he was busy texting and messaging me and a couple others. His good sense of humor is returning. He's envisioning all the food he wants to eat when he gets home, haha. Sounds like we'll be having lots of chicken, instead of red meat. 

I just keep hoping that at some point soon they can start reducing the pain meds...start taking in more liquid orally, rather than IV. Then I'll know he's for sure getting better. The plan is still to do the MRI to check for gallstones, tomorrow, if he's still the same.

I've been watching this cute couple who does funny videos. OMG. They make me laugh so hard I have tears running down my face. I had to stop watching for awhile, I was laughing/crying too hard. Check out "Team Balmert" if you'd like a good laugh........or ten!

One more day of hot weather. *only 90 today. got to 97 yesterday. 70 degrees tomorrow and all week. Thank god. 

additional update - they are now letting him try some jello and maybe diluted apple juice.


  1. It's great to hear that your hub's sense of humour is coming back. Definitely a good sign, don't you think!

    1. very good sign and as they say laughter is the best medicine :)

  2. I am glad he is improving. I bet it is the best Jello and Apple Juice too. Lol! After my appendectomy, my first meal was breakfast: Milk, Bread and Green Olives. Never tasted anything better.

  3. You are going to have a skinny husband!
    I'm glad he's going in the right direction.

    1. Right?! He had already lost like 10 pounds very quickly (probably lots of water weight) the few days before he went in.

  4. All you say is good to hear! Hopefully, he continues to improve.

    1. It's little improvements, slowly, but that's better than not.
