Friday, August 27, 2021

Rainy Friday

Even going to the ultrasound appointment, which is part of the hospital facility in the city was a breeze. It's not a huge city, so therefore not a huge hospital. It's manageable LOL. The section of the building where the imaging dept is, is easy to get to and ample free parking lot right next to it. Up to the 2nd floor and easy to find. No stress. Back out to the car, a short 1/2 mile drive to get back on the freeway and back home in 40 minutes.

The online company meeting was for one of our company owners to announce that he is retiring at the end of this year. A bit earlier than expected, beings he's only 60. He came on as a 3rd owner just a couple of months before I started working there. Then several years ago it became just him and one of the other owners as the 2 owners. They have been working towards grooming and transferring some of the ownership to the exec mgmt team, so that is still the plan going forward. We also got news that our 401k matching and profit sharing (for 2020) is going to get deposited to our 401k accounts next week. I was literally just thinking about that the other day, as usually by now they have made the deposit. With the departure of 4 long time employees the past few months, we have lots of new people on board now. So many new names and faces out of the 55 or so employees we have. We do have a consistent core of a good 50% of the employees who, like me, have been with the company a long time, so that part is good.

DD and I often play cribbage when she is visiting. For some reason she can never win. I mean like never. It's not like she doesn't know how to play, she just always gets terrible hands and I'm always getting these huge ones. I don't get it, LOL. Even if she gets ahead I end up winning. As we finished up our final game her last night I said I wonder if there is an online version we can play together and we found one, so we tried it out on our phones. She won both games, LOL. It will be fun to play in the evenings every so often.

She was having a longer drive home yesterday afternoon/evening. Her dh decided to trade in their Mustang for a different one and he found one mid state where they live, so dd had to drive about an hour or so farther south then her normal route home to meet up with her dh, because when he went over to look at it, they wouldn't let dd sign the paperwork like via docusign, she had to be there to sign for the car loan. Then she followed her dh as they drove back home the 4 hours or so to their house. The whole trip took her 9 hours instead of 7. Hopefully her dh will like this Mustang better. The one they had had a leak issue they constantly were taking in to get fixed and her dh just decided it's best to get rid of it. I think it was a 2014 and this one they just got is a 2016. Her dh changes vehicles often, but always buys used ones. They have kept their used pick up quite a few years now.

I was going to pick up my mom's will "binder" they put together with her will and healthcare directives but ended up not being able to this week. Someone from the law office called and said they can drop it off to my mom, no problem (they are only 2 blocks away) so I gave her my mom's ph#. Thankfully she called and then dropped it off within an hour or so, so my mom didn't completely forget that she was! mom called me after she dropped it off and we decided we'll keep it here in my safe at home.

Today is dh's appointment at the clinic here at the local hospital. He will be seeing one of the providers who saw him in the hospital. I was texting our friend in Texas to update her. She has lots of stomach issues and said she was told she has sludge too and is having another ultrasound today to check on it, and she said it sounds like they will also be giving her the medication that dissolves it. 

I'm trying to make a little grocery list to stop in the store after the dr appointment today.  It's rainy and a bit windy this morning. I'm definitely enjoying this cooler weather. 

I don't know why all of a sudden a bunch of spam is slipping through to my mom's email in box. Not that it matters a whole lot anymore. She rarely gets on her email now. She has 3 unread emails and the oldest is Aug 12th. Her investment guy's office sends out a weekly newsletter type email, so that is all that is in her inbox.


  1. We live in a "rural" area. At first I was a little concerned about doctors & hospitals & overall medical care, but it's actually very good. The country feel is pleasant & much more personal than the crazy fast just another body city attitude.
    Your dd must have been a little tired after her ride home. Hopefully she can rest up this weekend. But when I was her age I never stopped to rest of even thought about it. LOL
    I hope your dh gets good news today & you can rest up this weekend. You've had a couple of crazy weeks.

    1. I find that here in town in our small county hospital the care is overall good and more personalized. And even in our small nearby city, it's good too. You feel like you are an actual person here, rather than just another patient they rush through.

  2. I think I may take up cribbage. I know absolutely nothing about it. I am glad at least you have some sort of diagnosis. Now, for the cure.

    1. I think it's a good game to keep your mind sharp. Lot's of math/counting, LOL. And it's fun
