Thursday, August 26, 2021

Ultrasound finally done

DH had his ultrasound this morning. While, of course, the radiologist still has to read it, the tech was able to tell him she could see sludge in his gallbladder (but no stones). She said this is typically treatable with medication. I looked it up on the way home and the information said this can be a cause of acute panreatitis. So, hoping this is the answer they've been looking for. We follow up with one of the hospital/clinic providers tomorrow and will see what they say.  

I have payroll processing to get done today. I pre-did most of the questions yesterday. Still working on it now that I am back home, but shouldn't have any big issues with it. We have an online company meeting at noon that should take about an hour. DD will be leaving about an hour after that. My company had an employee who's at the office get Covid positive yesterday, so now everyone who was working in the office has to work from home for a week or so. This company meeting was planned before this, but everyone will just have to access the meeting remote now.

Dh had to go all night w/o eating or drinking before this ultrasound at 9. We stopped at McDonalds on the way home. Geez. 3 egg mcmuffins and 2 small oj's is $17 now.

There was a couple who looked at the lots for sale next to us yesterday afternoon for probably like an hour. The agent was there too, for most of their time there looking. They looked like a quite a bit older couple. DH took a peak from the bonus room window with the binoculars as they were on the lot next to us and said they looked in their 70's. All 3 of us said hmmm....doesn't seem like people in their 70's would want to go through the hassle of building a house! So, then dh came up with this scenario (he always does this) that they are snowbirds and plan to just park their travel trailer for 6 months a year...because the covenants say you can park one for 6 months...BUT that is in reference to while you build a home, you are allowed to live in a camper for 6 months while building. Not park it every year for 6 months at a time. Then, in his typical doomsday attitude he's like "who's going to enforce the covenants?". Well, geez....same way we knew when we bought this property how any covenant violations would have to be enforced - since there isn't an HOA. The other property owners would have get together and get an attorney to send a letter about the violation, if the other owner won't cooperate. He gets himself all riled up for nothing.

Well, almost time for my company meeting. Hoping for a plan of action from the dr. tomorrow.


  1. Sludge sounds awful, but hopefully holds some answers.
    Yep, fast food is not cheap.
    Good luck with the rest of your day. =)

    1. hopefully that is the answer to at least know why. I'm looking forward to see what dr says at tomorrow's appointment about. Makes you wonder if our hospital he was in had an ultrasound machine, they could have found that out first day.....

  2. Sounds like your husband is back to his old self already then! But seriously, I'm glad his scan turned out fairly positive. It must be a relief!

    1. it sounds treatable with medication. Hopefully have more answers tomorrow.

  3. That is why I keep the little six packs of oj for Tommy and me for fast food breakfasts in addition to his low blood sugar. I can get a six pack for about $3/6 instead of paying $2/1 at Hardee's.

    At least you have an answer! I would worry, too, if I saw that next door. Or, maybe they have other resources to get the build done without time and hassle.

    1. that's smart to keep the small oj's on hand. That's kind of what I was thinking, maybe they have plenty of money to do a build where they really don't need to be involved, like we were.

  4. My husband had sludge in his gallbladder and had to have his gallbladder removed. The surgery was a piece of cake, he was only in the hospital for a few hours - day surgery.

    1. wow, good to know. You wouldn't think that could be a day surgery!

  5. My sister had both sludge and stones in her gallbladder. It was removed laparoscopically. As we are curious by nature, we wanted to see the sludge and the gallstones. They gave her some of it in a small jar. Sludge looked like colorful sand particles (not very fine though) and the stones looked like clusters of those. We have an appendix story too but, that could be a post in itself.

    1. interesting! That sounds like something my grandpa would do, LOL. He actually had the dr give him the part of his hip they replaced. Goofy guy.
