Saturday, August 21, 2021

Saturday activities

I had enough with phone calls yesterday that I didn't end up making one yet on my to do list. It can wait until Monday. 

I had emailed the agent who I've been using for my homeowner's insurance to let him know I am cancelling my policy through them and to let me know if there is anything else I need to do to cancel. He called and said I needed to call Safeco direct and cancel and gave me the #. I then called Safeco who then literally transferred me to the agent office! I ended up needing to speak to some other lady, who now apparently handles my account, but she's on maternity leave (everywhere is maternity leave LOL) so I had to leave a message for another lady. She called me back and then emailed me a document to sign online. Ok done. 

I had called my mom at 10:30, thinking I'd catch her in between wii bowling at 9:30 and exercise at 11. She was still bowling but we chatted for a quick minute until it was her turn again. Later, just before lunch she called me, asking if I tried calling her earlier? She didn't remember we chatted. Still no memory of dh being sick. She also didn't mention her tooth bothering her either time, so I'm just going to hold off on that problem for now. Unless it's an emergency, I've got too much else going on next week.

DH slept most of the day, which is good. He did get up around mid afternoon, took a shower and got dressed. Then he went outside for maybe about 20 minutes and did a bit of weed whacking. I told him to just wait and let dd do it tomorrow, but he said he wanted to walk around a bit and move around some. Fair enough since he slept all night and most of the day.

He tried a ham and turkey on wheat bread sandwich for lunch but a few hours later said probably not a good idea. Going to have to stick to soup and bland foods. I'll just do soup for dinner then. 

DD arrived about 9:40 last night. Hit a bit of traffic congestion in her area and then mid state. Today it's rainy and wet, so can't do much yard work, so we are going to take her truck into the city and see if I can find replacement shrubs for the ones we have that didn't make it. Pick up a few groceries. DH is liking the blue gatorade zero and needs more. And we'll stop in to see my mom for a quick visit. Check on her meds/pill box for this past week and see how she did and I can get her filled up for next week. I'm also going to stop and check on her next Thursday when I have dr appointment and see how she is doing with remembering take her meds.

Whatever replacement shrubs we can find, she and dh can get those planted tomorrow (sunny and 75) or sometime during the week. I'm glad it's rainy - makes dh stay inside and rest some more.


  1. It sound s like you are busy with everything that needs doing. At least the rain is keeping him from overdoing it. I don't remember your mother having a tooth bothering her.

    1. The tooth goes back 2 or 3 years. I remember her going to the dentist when she was still living in her house and then telling me the dentist said it was ok. She hasn't mentioned it now, since she called me about it.
