Monday, August 30, 2021

Some more this and that

Weekends are too short, aren't they? I'm really looking forward to my 4 day one next weekend. I have some bananas that are just about too ripe. Weren't quite ready to make banana bread yesterday and I probably won't feel like making it during the week. I'll have to try freezing them and see if that works ok. I have never frozen a banana before.

I finally learned how to make an omelette! I've tried to make one a few times in my years, but not good results. So, I've stuck with fried and scrambled. If we ever go out for breakfast (or to one that serves breakfast all day) dh always orders a ham and cheese omelette. They are always big and fluffy. He really wanted one the other afternoon. I said I can't make those, they never turn out. He's like try again. So, I watched 2 you tube videos. Ok, I can do this. I didn't have any diced ham but just folded up a couple of pieces of ham lunch meat and broke off into pieces. DH said it was really good. Then he wanted another one for dinner last night. Actually, they are super easy to make, LOL. And I got to use up some eggs. He hasn't been having his morning "egg mcmuffin" sandwich for weeks now, so I'm not using much eggs (though I did while dd was here). I've added thick or diced ham to my grocery list. This makes for an easy dinner to make dh.

I was talking to my mom yesterday after lunch and she mentioned she heard a beeping in her phone, she must have another call. Then she mentioned it a minute or two later. Then we got cut off. Oh! her battery died, LOL. I tried to call back about 10 or 15 min later but it went straight to voicemail. Next time she mentions that is happening I'll now know to tell her to plug in her phone. She did call me several hours later, so she figured it out at some point what needed to be done.

My half sisters girls and son in law, who got Covid, are doing ok. Sounds like all 3 had it pretty mild, thankfully. More just like a cold, for them. My friend, in another state, who's daughter and her boyfriend got it, also are on the mend. Both her daughter and her bf are pretty overweight, so makes one wonder if that's a reason they had it worse/longer than my sis's family, who are same age group, but active and not over weight. I'm sure it's different for everyone, though.

DH still hasn't had a Mountain Dew. He got the lawn mowed yesterday, which if course is tiring. He's been thinking (prior to getting sick) of changing a couple of areas in the lawn/landscaping to make mowing a bit easier and I think he'll do that for next summer. Change a couple of spots where he can't get the riding mower to and take out the lawn in a couple corner areas so he can easily mow and not have to take the push mower just for those spots. It will make life simpler going forward and probably save him 20-30 minutes each mowing session.

We had a couple of deer in the backyard yesterday morning, so I made sure to get my repellent sprayed on what I don't want them to eat. Dang, that stuff smells, LOL. I'm watching my new shrubs planted last week like a hawk. DH thinks the lilac doesn't look good. Some of the leaves are turning a bit darker....I'm just hoping it's because they are getting ready for fall and to drop before winter?? I gave my rhododendrons the acid plant food with water. Said to do every 2 weeks, so I put a reminder on my phone when to do it next. Labor Day weekend is also when dh is supposed to do the fall lawn fertilizer we use, so I will pick up 3 bags of that from the feed store when I go to the city on Wednesday. As usual, every trip I make in there ends up being a bunch of stops. I also ordered a 50 bag of casoron weed killer. We buy that online once a year and dh uses it to keep weeds out of all the gravel areas. That stuff is expensive, but works really well. I decided to wait and clean the chicken coop next weekend. Lots of time to get it done then.

I've been having a bit of a pinched nerve between my neck and top of my shoulder, all week. It's getting annoying. I think I'll get out my little rice bag that heats in the microwave and see if that helps. DH was cleaning out a clog in his bathroom sink yesterday and I bent down to give him some light and it just really pinched then. It loosened back up quickly, but still just annoying me, as it was before.

I want to try to not drink milk and see how I feel. I hardly had any milk (like one small glass) the 10 days we were on our trip. I was not tired, like I usually am and you'd think with traveling, not sleeping in my own bed, long days, I would have been super tired. Since I was in jr. high I have had, almost daily, a glass of Carnation instant breakfast with milk for breakfast. I almost always have a glass with dinner (half glass). But, I've noticed the past several months that right after I have my instant breakfast in the morning I feel queasy for about 5-10 minutes. I was going to try to not drink it, after I got home, but failed. It's just too quick and easy of a breakfast.

DH's bathroom sink always seems to clog up. Sometimes when I clean his sink I can reach down with my gloved finger and pull up gunk stuck on the insides of the drain. I just assumed it was that he must shave sometimes at the sink. I've also had to use drano before. I had half a bottle left so used that and then flushed with almost boiling water and it was still clogged. So, he got underneath, figuring it was the trap clogged. It was totally clean, but the insides of the pipes to and from the trap were totally stuck with this stuff. He's like what the heck?! He said he never shaves there. He always shaves in the shower (he has a mirror on the wall in there). The only thing we can think is that one of the people doing tile work dumped their crap down the sink and it stuck to the insides of the pipes and over time, with toothpaste and soap it builds up and sticks to that stuff. He took the pipes out and really cleaned inside them, so hopefully we won't have any more problems with it.

Several weeks ago, dh sent the guy that owns lot 6 in our neighborhood a Facebook message that he had some neighborhood info and gave him our ph#. He finally called yesterday morning. Dh said he didn't know if they knew but just wanted to let them know lots 4 and 5 are for sale. He said his wife saw that. Said they'd love to buy lot 5, but not at that stupid price, LOL. DH said yes, he's asking a ridiculous amount, isn't he? Dh told him about the realtor using just about every picture in his listing of our house and that dh called and asked him to take down and we were tempted to say "do you want pics of the inside of our house, too?" He said ya, that's just not right. He said they were over here a couple weeks ago and stopped by their property. Sounds like they are still on their "5 year plan" with it. Dh told him next time they are over here to stop and say hello. 

Our state governor was out in our county recently, speaking to a group. Our county is 90% federal and state lands. I guess he made a statement that he'll see what he can do to get the feds to sell some land and bring more property tax revenue to our county. Then he told the local newspaper reporter "but don't put that in print". Oh...if it's such a great idea, then why does it need to be a secret? Politicians, no matter what side they are on, just plain suck.


  1. I can't make omelettes (or poached eggs) either, and I know what you mean how good they taste in a restaurant! Maybe I should have another shot. As for the milk, you might be on to something. I don't drink much but if I give it up that kinds of phelgmy feeling at the back of my throat disappears almost instantly. Worth a try I guess!

    1. The one video I watched the guy really whisked the eggs awhile. Added a little water before. Two tablespoons of butter in the pan. Dump in and just keep pulling the eggs to the middle, letting the remaining liquid keep running out the edges to cook. It gets fluffy that way. Then add your extras on half and fold over and slide onto plate. I'm like a pro now, LOL.

  2. My dad was the master of omelette at our home. Come to think of it, mom never made one before or after his passing. I am not a big fan of eggs but, I like omelettes. I usually put chopped parsley (sometimes spinach) and white cheese (think of very mild feta, no smell) in mine.

    1. I was thinking mushrooms sound good to put in, too

  3. What kind of crap was dumped down the sink by the guys? Crap? Real crap? Or their work stuff for tiles and paint? I love scrambled eggs, but doubt I would care for an omelet. I do put cheese in it ocasionaly, maybe bacon. Rarely ham. Most omelets I read about have boatload of vegetables which I know I would not like.

    I had Instant Breakfast for years. But, stopped and then they changed the name. Now, it is not prudent for me to drink it.

    Diabetes can cause tiredness. If milk is your problem and not diabetes, you can be tested for the allergy. I am not allergic to milk, just the type 1 protein which is why I drink a2milk. The brand is a2milk, so that is on the cartoon, spelled just like I did. Unfortunately, I think Instant Breakfast is not as healthy as I once thought.

    1. I think they poured their grout/tiling stuff down the drain. We can't figure anything else that would have gone down the drain to stick on the pipes like that. My sink is just toothpaste and soap, like dh uses, and mine has never been clogged. My last blood work done for the life insurance was normal for diabetes/glucose, so it's not that.

  4. Perhaps a lactose intolerance? Ranee (MN)

    1. I'm wondering...I'll have to buck it up and really try to not drink any for a couple weeks and see if there is any difference in how I feel. I love milk, though, LOL.

  5. I saw the ad for a2milk and tried it. Problem solved. Allergist said I was the second person to tell him that, so for two years I have promoted it to people to try, at least. One person commented that she told a relative, daughter maybe?, and it solved a child's problem. Maybe this is why I am allergic to mammal products. Maybe I am eating products made from a cow that carries the a1 protein.

  6. Have you tried the milk alternatives to see if you could find one you like coconut milk, almond milk, rice milk?

    1. I haven't. First I'm just going to see if not drinking it has any positive effect.
