Thursday, August 19, 2021

Trying to get back to normal

Not a whole lot to update, which is good news, I guess, LOL. DH rested for a few hours after he got settled in at home in bed. He got up for awhile and had some strength back, at least his voice didn't sound so weak. He managed to eat a little. Some toast and watermelon. Later a banana. He got up for awhile in the evening and we took a little walk outside the front driveway. While sleeping during the night he kept having sweats and chills, which he said he was having in hospital all the time, too. Not sure what that's about. I just heard him up to use the bathroom and went down to check on him. oh yay, I get the grumpy, uncooperative patient.

Linda - the birdie lamp is finally lit!

I'm rarely ever one to unfriend someone on Facebook - unless it's just someone I barely knew in the first place and accepted their friend request and then as time went on realized they never ever interacted with anything I posted, so then I just take them off. But, in this case it's someone I've known for over 30 years when we worked for the same company for many years. She's very liberal, I'm not. No biggie. We have many other things in common. She doesn't post a whole bunch herself on FB (maybe once a week or less) but over the past 10 years she's always been very interactive with my posts, whether it's just a "like" or a comment. Until I made a post last Jan or Feb, after my state's mask mandate was lifted, and I commented that it was good again to see the smiling faces at our town grocery store. She had to disagree pretty adamantly with me, basically saying I was spreading covid. I very very politely disagreed with her and offered some statistics comparing my state to hers. She came back with another retort and I left it at that. After that she has never once liked or commented on any of my posts (I post often). My posts are not political. They are about funny stuff, my animals, teasing my dh, etc. Just to see, sometime at least once (twice I think) I clicked like on 1 or 2 of her posts about her dog. Just to see if that would break the ice. 

Well, if person can't even click a "like" on any of my posts the last 10 days updating our friends how dh was doing in the hospital, then she obviously is no longer a friend. My guess is she had unfollowed me, so she's not even seeing my posts. Either way, not a friend, so I unfriended her this morning. If someone's political/medical beliefs are so strong that they can't be friendly with someone who has a different view then good riddance. The funny part is her 30 year old son is WAY more conservative, anti-vax, etc then me, yet she's going to judge and ignore me for one comment that I was happy to see smiles again? 

ok, now that dh is home, pray for me being his home nurse, LOL. He's going to be a terrible patient and I'm a terrible nurse. I should be getting a call today to schedule his follow up with a gastroenterologist. Someone from his office called yesterday. She got the referral from our hospital, but couldn't find him in their "system". Well....probably because he's never had to be seen before?!?. I gave her his general info so she could set him up. Then she said she had to call the lady back at the hospital about the referral. Should she call me back to schedule or call the hospital lady. Call me seems more logical, wouldn't it? I said yes, call me since I'm the one bringing him in and can make sure it's not conflicting with another appointment he has to see a urologist (they want his prostate checked out, due to his PSA they saw from his lab work, not related to the pancreatitis)


  1. Ahh! A grumpy patient. Lovely. When men get sick, they turn into giant babies. Don't they? May the patience be with you! As for the FB "friend", I guess she was never friend material. Why do our different opinions should drive a wedge between friendships? Is it too hard to respect each other? I don't know.

    1. I guess "friend" would rather be right the righteous. And if she unfollowed me (or just ignored what I posted) then why keep me on as a friend?

  2. Heh. Grumpy patients. That's why I stuck with the microbiology. Anyway, if I remember my microbiology and physiology correctly,
    the chills could be most likely be from infection. If you are fighting an infection, the brain "raises" the body's thermostat to speed up respiration, (heat speeds reactions) which makes a person feel colder, hence chills. When the fever breaks, you sweat to cool yourself off. Or, it could be a result of hormonal imbalance due to the pancreatitis--the pancreas secretes insulin and glucagon, and if it's infected, this process is inhibited, causing hormonal imbalance, which can cause sweating. Question: Is he on an antibiotic?
    I am probably a bad FB friend--I was OFF FB for a while--not deactivated, deleted, but returned in order to keep in touch with extended family. I don't "like" much, but, if something strikes me either way, pro or con, I will comment. I would love to delete FB again, but it is the easiest way for me to stay in touch with some people. To that end, I have under 50 friends--that's the only way I can keep it. When I deleted my first account, I did so because I decided it was just a stressor in my life I didn't need.
    Hope your husband continues his path to healing, and that you maintain your composure!

    1. He was on antibiotics when he was on iv fluids. Do lab/blood tests show infections? He hasn't had a fever in quite a few days. If I had seen that this friend just hasn't even been on FB the past 10 days, I wouldn't have taken her off. But she has made 2 or 3 posts and it's shown up that she's commented on some other's, so I know she's been active on it. I'm trying to maintain my composure. I told him this morning if he were still in the hospital this morning and the nurses we telling him what do do, he would do it.

    2. Blood tests can show elevated white counts, which indicate infecton, and they can also get cultures of blood of bacteria in the bloodstream. They can also test for antibodies to show an infection, BUT, if the infection was active, he wouldn't have had the antibodies. Hopefully they are right, his pancreatitis was a one-off, and he will be on the mend from now forward. BUT, may I suggest you PLEASE have them check for gallstones if he gets sick again/doesn't improve in a timely manner.

    3. it sounds like they may have also did stool sample, I'm not certain. If he has this again, I'm pretty sure we will go into the city ER, so they can do the ultrasound for gallstones.

  3. Since this does sound like infection and the fever is trying to help him, he should not take anything to bring down the temperature.
    I love the lamp! And, it looks the same as in picture. In what room did you place it? Does your husband like it? Has the dog noticed it?
    Okay, wishing your husband a speedy recovery!

    1. he had a fever the first few days he was in the hospital but not since. I have the lamp sitting on my work desk. It's very cute. I had shown it to my husband before he went in the hospital and he though it was cute (though I didn't have the right bulb). I don't think dog even knows it's here, LOL.

  4. I think it would stress me out to no end to keep track of who "likes" my posts and who doesn't. Good that your husband is back home. My hubs had pancreatitis a couple of years back and it is so painful. Hopefully your husband's was just an acute flare and it doesn't become chronic-I feel so sorry for people with chronic pancreatitis.

    1. I honestly don't do that. Like I said, I rarely have ever even deleted a friend before. I don't even have a lot of FB friends, so of course notice who is interacting with me. But, ever since her attack on my post last Feb I of course noticed that she no longer engages in my posts. Not once. And as so many friends were acknowledging dh to get well, it was also noticed by me that she still remained silent. I'm hoping it's not chronic too, that sounds just plain even more awful than an acute attack.

  5. I love the birdie lamp. You have some really nice decor. Piece by piece.
    Good luck with your patient. The better he starts to feel the worse he will be to handle. LOL

    1. Well, that's true! I hadn't thought of it that way.

  6. I think I agree with Monica. The grumpiness may be a sign he's ready to be better. I have unfollowed people when I see that they also pick at other people's posts, political or vaccination. I just don't need their belief difference to pop out at me. It doesn't mean I don't like them, or care about their life, I just don't need their humor or distorted interpretation of current events in my feed. In your case, seems they're weeding out interaction with anyone who may think differently. Sad.

    1. Well let's hope grumpy=better, haha. I have unfollowed a couple people who (on both sides) seem to have nothing better to do all day than post after post of meme's, etc. One a day is ok, 20 is excess and not worth my time. I'm sure at some point she'll see we're no longer friends and assume it has to do with her political/medical beliefs and nothing could be further from the truth. I just don't need to be friends with people that don't care about my life. I don't have hundreds of "friends" on FB. I have like 70.
