Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Knew it

A friend of dh's forwarded him a news article the other day related to the sheriff's dept we were dealing with for 4 years trying to get the drug dealers and users out of our neighborhood. Huh. What do you know, those higher ups are just as corrupt as we figured. Over half of the names in the sheriff's dept who are doing the suing of the higher ups are one's who were actually trying to help us.

The drug investigators from this special task force dept are suing the county. One of the drug investigation teams was the guy and his partner who was best at trying to help. He had dh just start calling him on his cell and not calling dispatch. He made many arrests, sometimes multiple arrests in one night, based on dh telling him who was coming in and leaving our neighborhood. All arrests that the prosecutor and higher ups within his own dept. just quashed and let them go, repeatedly. One night after 2 arrests, with guns, heroin and cocaine of people already with warrants, he told dh that the prosecutor tries to get him to falsify his reports and he's not doing it. Guess it has taken another 5 years past all that for his dept to get fed up and sue. I hope they win. Their case also alleges wrong doing against the (no longer) head sheriff. It all just confirms our belief all along that the head sheriff and those higher ups had zero intentions of helping us. At one point the local news channel was going to do a story on our neighborhood. We found out later the sheriff's pr guy quashed it. This guy is now the head sheriff of that county. It's all just corrupt.

Well, just found out my doctor (PA) is on maternity leave. So, I was able to get an appointment to see her fill in person in 3 weeks. First, the receptionist was making it sound like I was going to have to wait until end of October to even get in to see anyone. My mom's dr is also at same place and she is also on maternity leave now, too. And then I email the office lady at that attorney's office where we had my mom's will updated, and get a reply email that she's on maternity leave. After my mom signed (over a month now) they said they would get it recorded with the state and then get it put in a binder for her and drop off to her at her apartment. Well, no one has stopped by that my mom knew of ( know how that goes) so I searched her desk and file cabinet, just in case it had gotten dropped off and mom doesn't remember. I then emailed the paralegal there and she said no, she had not dropped it off yet. I told her I will be in the city in a few weeks for my dr. appointment and will stop in and pick it up. I think I might just keep it in our safe, rather than at my mom's.

My desk is a big old mess again. Ugh. I'm going to set aside 15 minutes today and get it cleaned up again. 

I also had on my calendar in July to get quotes on home owners insurance. It popped up while I was on vacation and then I just remembered about it last night. That is definitely now on my to do list in next couple of days. I got the renewal notice coming up, a few weeks ago and it was increased another $300 a year. I'm going to look into a quote from my auto insurance and also the mortgage company that now has my loan appears to offer insurance. I'd at least like to see if there is something cheaper available.


  1. I remember all the mess with no help and the horror you lived in. At least they have done something, finally, to stop the corruption. Keeping the folder at your place is the best option, I am sure. That is a lot of babies coming!

    1. well, hopefully they will win their case, but beings the corrupt are so good at keeping it up, I doubt it.

  2. I'm glad the guy that tried to help you in your previous place is taking it further. It's so frustrating to be doing the right thing and then having it quashed by corrupt officials. I sure hope the karma bus gets them!

    1. I really hope so, too. And the guy that is the new head sheriff is just as bad, though.
