Tuesday, January 2, 2024

New Year's catch up

Happy New Year. I didn't get time to post yesterday. We've been having an nice visit with dd and sil, as always. NYE we had the king crab legs for dinner and they were delicious and just the perfect amount for the 4 of us. I also heated up some garlic bread to go with it.

Yesterday we went into the city so dd could see my mom and we just had the guys drop us off at m/c while they went over to Sportsman's Warehouse to shop. DH had gift cards and sil wanted to get some more magazines that are illegal to purchase in his state. A few minutes after they drop us off we get a call...dh forgot his gift cards at home! LOL. So typical. I told him to just go ahead and get the ammo he wanted and I'm sure he'll have something else to use the cards on next trip there.

Mom is doing ok, not great, but ok. She was asleep in her room, sitting in a wheel chair. They said she just keep complaining it hurts to walk. Then I kind of realized it's only been 3 weeks since she got over Covid. It took me weeks/month or more to get my energy level back. I'm sure this is what is causing it. I did get her up a bit and walk across her room and back. Very slow. I asked her if her feel or legs hurt and she said no. I said oh, they said you keep telling them it hurts to walk. She said "who told you that?" LOL She kept denying it. She has her dr visiting next week, so she can see if anything else is going on then.

NYE I stayed up until like 11, last night was 10 and I went to bed. DH always tries to make me feel bad (in a teasing way) for going to bed early (even though it's way later than I normally go to bed) while they are visiting. Finally, I said, well maybe you all should feel bad for not getting up when I get up! That shut him up, LOL.

For dinner last night I heated up some leftover taco soup I had in the freezer and made some cornbread muffins. DD had gotten me a silicone muffin pan (that I asked for) for Christmas, so I made cornbread muffins in that, instead of in the pan like I usually do, so I could try out the new muffin pan. Works great. And I liked the cornbread in muffin form better. 

After dinner we watched a cute movie - Super Mario Brother's Movie. It has a little bit more special meaning to dh as he personally knew the real Mario that the video game character was named/modeled after.

I was happy to check my emails this morning and see the refund on the first pool table was processed, so now I don't have to call and check on that. Hard to say if my bookcases will show up today. FedEx tracking is so terrible. It's 4 boxes. They haven't been updated in their system since 2 days ago, but "estimated delivery" shows today. It also shows 2 of the boxes delayed. How that is when they were all shipped together, out of the same place, who knows. Nothing is showing this morning as "out for delivery". Might get 2 today, might get all 4, might get none, LOL. 

The kids are planning to head back home around 1pm this afternoon. Once everyone is up, I'll make some blueberry muffins in my new muffin pan.


  1. Your DH knw the real inspiration for Mario?!?! HOW! That is so cool. I am glad you guys had a nice visit, I am sure the crab legs were heavenly!

  2. It is interesting she says she does not hurt. Maybe she said it at first. Sitting in a wheelchair won't be good for her. But, I suppose it is hard to know what is true. And, what was true and changed. Once I caught covid, it was about ten days before I felt normal or near normal.
    Does she recognize dd?
    Tommy is always going to get what he needs to take later.
    Practical Parsimony

    1. No, she did not recognize dd. Even when mom is always asking me if I have kids and I tell her their names, she doesn't seem to remember the names now.

  3. Now I'm intrigued. Which magazines are illegal to purchase in SIL's state??? Playboy???

    1. Sorry to confuse! It's gun "magazines" that hold bullets. I think they are also called "clips"

    2. OMGsh, I came by to say the same thing! That one went right over my head.

    3. Ha ha, I thought "guns" afterwards but couldn't resist!

  4. I was also intrigued by the thought that some magazines might be illegal! I've heard the word 'clip' used in old war movies; now it all makes sense.

  5. Would another card catalogue piece fit in that spot,?
