Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Planning ahead

We are having upper 30's temps and a little melting going on, even. Though winter is far from over, it is nice to be back into more normal winter temps. 

The carnation bouquet is pretty and smells nice. Plus, the carnations will likely last a lot longer than the tulips.

Dh also (after ok'ing it with me, LOL) called the florist in the city back and ordered flowers to be sent to the staff in the memory care, thanking them for their care and in memory of my mom. That was a sweet thought and nice that he took care of that.

Work was busy yesterday. I had to do some 1099 tax forms and since those are only done yearly, I always have to refer to my notes on how to do these electronically through my accounting software and a 3rd party website. But, I think it all got imported and ready to get them processed. It was the end of the day when I got it done, so I decided to wait until this morning and do a double check that everything looks ok, first.  We also had one special situation where our CPA told us to do a 1099-B. Well, like every type of 1099 there's lots of boxes and drop down choices for some of these boxes. I'm going to need a little more info than what I was given, haha. I had to screen shot it to my boss and ask what all boxes are required to be filled in and finally, by the end of the day our CPA had figured it out.

Since we decided we really liked the 2 bar stools I ordered for the bonus room, I ordered 2 more for that room and they just got delivered. Did I mention we also decided to order the same stool, but in a different seat fabric/color for our kitchen bar area? So, 4 of those are on the way and will be better for the right height at the bar countertop. Plus, I think they will look a bit more "lodge" style, than what I've had there. I'll probably just put these 4 stools on marketplace. There's nothing wrong with them. 

I mailed the death certificate to the investment office where my mom's account is, on Saturday. They should probably have it by today. I wonder how long it will take to process it all: close out her account and set up inherited IRA's for all the beneficiaries. My main goal with my inheritance is to pay off my mortgage. I have 10 years to withdraw it all, so I will try to spread it out, as much as possible, to minimize the tax hit. But, for sure I want to be able to retire no later than 7 years from now, when I'll be turning 67. There is more than enough to pay off my mortgage and invested well, hopefully will also have some extra gains to increase the amount and add to my retirement savings. If things go well with it, I may even be able to retire in 5  or 6 years, but 7 is definitely doable and in line with being able to collect my full social security amount. I'm going to keep my inherited IRA with her guy. He's done very well for her all these years. I know at some point he's handing things over to his son, when he retires, and his son is now doing a lot of the work and I feel comfortable with him. 

I've been doing lots of calculating on how best to take this inherited IRA over the next 10 years. It's a lot to figure out, but I'm pretty sure I will be required to at least take an RMD each year out of it.


  1. Is the financial advisor guy who said stepchildren should get something still around? Or, does he still monitor her account?

    That was thoughtful to send flowers to her carers. I doubt they receive items from the family of their clients.

    1. yes, same financial guy (for over 30 years now). He's mostly getting ready to retire himself and is working toward having his son take over and I like his son and I also really like the assistant lady, who is mostly who I talk to.

  2. I agree with Linda that it was a thoughtful thing to do to send flowers to the care home. My dad was in and out of hospital (heart problems) when I was a kid and after every stay he always went back with a huge box of chocolates for the ward staff where he was treated! I think small gestures are everything!

    1. my dh did the same thing after his 10 day stay in our little town hospital. Went back with a bouquet of flowers to thank them all. The girl he happened to hand it to was like "oh! We never get flowers!"

  3. That is a wondeful gesture from yourself and DH! My boss sent the surgical floor a basket after his daughter had surgery. As an admin, a little thank you always brightens my day.

  4. You could always retire in 5 or 6 years and not start to withdrawal from social security until you hit 67, so you can still get the full amount, right? Or do I miss understand how it works (I am a while away from retirement so I figure I have some years to figure it out)

    1. I could, as long as there is enough left (after paying off the mortgage) to cover a couple years of income, before starting to take SS. I guess it will just all depend on how well the investment account (and my own 401k) does over the next 5 years
