Thursday, January 4, 2024

Back to normal

After breakfast and a shower yesterday I got busy taking down and packing up all the Christmas decor. A break halfway for a nap/back rest and I got done with it all just before dinner. Whew! It was a job, but glad to have it all done now. The house always seems so bare and empty afterwards. It left no time to make a blog post yesterday, once I got busy.

My bookcases are finally out for delivery today - if I can believe FedEx tracking. The tracking info says they will be delivered between 6:40am and 11:40am (for that that estimate is worth)....It's almost 10 and no sign yet, though dh did see a FedEx freight type truck go by out on the main road about 30 minutes ago and it's likely the 4 boxes (the total weight on tracking says 404 pounds) are on that truck. Normal deliveries come in this smaller van and 4 boxes that size would likely take up her whole van, LOL. Since dh will have to put them together, I'm hoping they show up earlier rather than later this afternoon. Otherwise he'll spend half the night putting them together, rather than just waiting until tomorrow.

We got a call yesterday from the guy that owns the lot on the other side of DAN's 2 lots. They live out of state, purchased in 2020 and said they have a 5 year plan. Well, sounds like they are on plan. They are moving over here this spring (they will be staying in a cabin on his wife's dad's property) and then plan to start building on their lot here as soon as they can start (weather wise) next year, in 2025. The 2-3 "contractor" type vehicles dh had seen come in (and thought they were at DAN's lots, because parked there) were actually builders lot 6 had come out to look at their building site.  

He said, awhile back, when he saw the no trespassing sign that DAN put on his side, pointing to his lot, he emailed him that hey, we're going to be neighbors, there is no need for this....of course DAN never replied back. DH told him there's also one on our side, pointing at us. Then dh told him about the email I got back from DAN last summer when I was notifying about out road being re-sealed and closed for 24 hours. He was like "wow, are you kidding me?". 

He called to ask if it was ok to put a temporary storage container on their lot this spring/summer. DH told him he's glad they will be our neighbors and look forward to having them build/live here and that we did the same thing with Mr & Mrs - asked them on several things, first, if they would mind, rather than just doing whatever we wanted. DH told him he has no issue with something temporary like that (but said to also check with the other neighbors)....but just we aware that as soon as he does DAN will be moving the 2 storage containers he has in town out here and they will NOT be temporary.....lot 6 agreed with that fact and said maybe he'll just put the container at his father in laws... 

Nothing much else new going on. I'm loving the 2 weeks off and I think I'll do the same next Christmas/New Years, LOL. It's awesome.

Well, time to go get the rest of my normal year round decor put back in place.

1 comment:

  1. DAN will probably harass the new people or try to intimidate them. Well, it will be nice to have more normal neighbors, anyway. I had few decorations, but it is taking me days to get this done.
