Sunday, January 7, 2024

Snowy Sunday

My 2 weeks off is done after today. I guess I'm ready to go back to work tomorrow.......NOT! haha. We got a little bit of snow last night, enough that Amos said nope, I'm staying inside this morning. Between dd and sil being here for a few days over New Years, then a day (and a half) taking down all the Christmas stuff, then a day putting the bookcases together and then half the next day finding the right layout of the bookcases and card catalog cabinet, I didn't end up doing a whole lot yesterday. My back is a bit sore so I tried to take it easy.

I did get some books added to the bookcases. DH found more of his photo albums, so he put those in. As usual, he has too much of everything and it always ends up looking crowded and cluttered. I will eventually get things moved and adjusted to my liking, haha and he'll have forgotten about it all.

I also saw an email for a Verizon class action suit. One email was for my account and one for my mom's Verizon she used to have. It sounds like we'd get a minimum of $15 each, so I signed us both up for that. Might as well. 

Other than the call about getting my mom some shoes, I haven't gotten anymore "fall" calls since last Tuesday (I think it was Tuesday -we went and saw her Monday), thank goodness. Keeping fingers crossed. I did get the call made to her investment office and the distribution was processed and the money showed up in her checking yesterday. So, she's set for 6 months and then I'll take out the 2nd half for the year in July. But, I'm kind of expecting an increase in her care level, so if/when that happens, the money won't last 6 months, more like 5 months. I don't take out a full years distribution at one time for 2 reasons: 1) to leave as much in her investments for as long as possible to keep earning returns on it and 2) if I keep her checking below $50k, if she passes away, her estate (which would just consist of her checking and clothing and few personal belongings she has) will not need to go through the probate process. Just trying to keep things as simple as possible.

Of course, the day our pool table is supposed to be delivered and installed is the day they are predicting a bunch of snow, so then we'll probably get rescheduled. Grrr, LOL. I still haven't gotten the credit on my credit card, which is annoying. 

Not much planned for today. DH will do laundry. I am going to get one more good nap in, haha. I should get something figured out for dinner tonight, so I can get something out of the freezer, if needed. I haven't made tuna casserole for a long time, maybe I'll just do that. Nothing out of the freezer needed and I also have some crescent rolls in the fridge that need to be used up before they go bad.


  1. I had a couple of friends take the last weeks off for the year as well! One friend took 3 weeks - they had a blast but it is hard to return tomorrow! You now know one way to use up your vacation time! :D

  2. It looks like the library and pool room will come together all at the same time. Or, at least two projects going at once. I wonder if Amos will use the pool table or a shelf for a new resting place.
